golden pirate booty & apis discount

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROULOUS___HELLAS, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. i have the feeling that both of them happen about once a month ( i know there is no fix date)

    has any of u any idea if
    • this is valid
    • when (roughly) to expect those 2 events ?

    thanks in advanced
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    They both happen randomly once a month (you were correct!).

    So to answer your questions:
    • Yes
    • There is no specific amount of time to expect them. A apis discount could theoretically happen on the 31st of a month, and the next day on the 1st it would happen again.
  3. i am ready to get my apis with 180000 uri and i am so impatient about that
    but the same time i am starting for my zeus and (if am correct) i know that is better to open some golden booty where possible i can find some apis parts so to reduse farther more the apis price.
    is it worth it to wait for golden booties even if i loose the apis discount that will happen this month ?
    how often is to find apis parts in golden booties ?
  4. You find more apis part in golden booties, than you do in green booties ( in my opinion)
  5. I would say wait on the apis man. If you need zeus parts, you'll spend more trying to get them and get apis parts in the process. If you buy the apis, all the parts you get after that are uridium down the drain. My apis only costs 82k uri to get, but I'm not getting it yet, because I need more zeus parts(only have 14) I figure I can get my apis for free while going for the zeus :)
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  6. i was impatient too so i bought my apis and zeus lol
  7. lol
    but not an option for me
    i am total free player = i am boxing all the way to get EVERYTHING


    as i said before i am total free player
    so ... every uri saved counts for me
    your opinion seems to me like the best solution for get apis (& zeus later)
    i will try to be patient with my apis do what u do my friend

    just 1 more question ... i have read somewere that zeus drop rate is 1-3 parts every 100 golden booty
    is this valid for you ?
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 15, 2014
  8. No, it's not. I get about 10 zeus parts every 150 booty keys. I currently have 13 parts and have used over 350 keys, but some of those were on LF4 day. I thought I was unlucky with my stats sheesh. Three parts every 100 keys??:eek:
  9. u give me great pleasure with this drop rate u mention
    i have 400.000 uri waiting for golden booty event - these u just mentioned are goood news for me
    what is ur drop rate for apis in these golden booty ?
    also what for lf4
    rough values are also wellcome
  10. I got about a 2:1 ratio apis to zeus. LF4s, only got 2 from gold booty, so 1 in 150 about. 400k uridium should get you really far along with the drones, but I doubt you'll get all of the parts. By the way, get rebate and premium before you spend a big chunk of uri like that. It is amazingly helpful with stretching your uri.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  11. like so mutch this 2:1
    only 2 lf4 is not good
    400 k uri indeed .. no way to get all but .. yes is fair good
    no option for real money for me

    thanks for ur replies my friend
  12. You're welcome and good luck with your drones and LF4s :) cause you'll need it.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  13. lol
  14. with LF-4 is very unknown, some people get 1 every 100 keys on LF-4 day, or more LF-4, for me I have used over 500 and have yet to see one LF-4
  15. sorry to hear that for u :(
    what is the drop rate on green & golden booties for apis & zeus for you my friend ?
  16. I'd say 3 zeus every 80-100 keys, apis I think 5 every 100 keys
  17. That's low man. Sheesh. I get like 2 apis parts from every 25 keys(zeta)
  18. realy thanks u all for ur valuable feedback !!!!
    today it has apis discount ... i will NOT burn my uri so easy ;) will wait golden booty as u told me - THANKS AGAIN:)
    wish u all a nice sunday :)