Missing shot

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by plaku, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. plaku

    plaku User

    Is there any official rate of the percentage of the missing shots.
    I was making some calculation and i would like to know what is the rate in % of the shots we miss. not with the PP just the normal way
    One other thing is how much is the rate of missing shot by firing a PLD rocket
    thank you
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  2. Archives 2011
    According to this, it is random, but not sure about that as that was a long time ago.
    The PLD-8 rockets increase the missing chance by 40% on the target fired upon.
  3. PLD does 40%? Wow, I should use it more often when running.
    Although, the miss chance of lasers without PP seems high at first, but after putting 2 PP in Electro-Optics (4% less chance I believe), it did decrease missing quite a lot.
  4. plaku

    plaku User

    If a moderator could find out the % of missing shots would be nice please
  5. There is no percentage, it is random.
  6. If the percent is random, How can it "decrease hits by 4 %" with evaisive manuevers...OR decrease chance 40% with PLD's ?? You can't change a base % , without having that base % to begin with .

    We understand that the "chance" is "random" ...BUT If on AVERAGE you miss 1 out of 10 shots, then the hit rate is 90%...I don't care if you miss your first 10 shots , then hit the next 90 in a row, that would still be an average of 9 out of 10.

    This is what the OP is asking and I would like to know as well...

    My GUESS is the base hit % is between 80% and 88%.

    This way with electro optics full at 12% , you would go from 80-92%....or 88 to 100%.

    Its somewhere close to this. I would like an official answer tho too :)
    plaku likes this.
  7. plaku

    plaku User

    of course its not random , when the developers do the coding they have to put a percentage on the algorithm so we get a miss shot , how can a computer understand randomness otherwise. If that was the case we would even get 100% miss shots so of course its not random.
    Dont forget even when there is 20% chance off missing u can still get all shots without missing anything because 20% is a chance not anything else.
    But that is not random % still.
    Like the previous guy said it cannot be random since we have evasive manoeuvres and all that . So I did some tests myself and it was between 35% - to 30% miss shots without Pilot points.
    Now i dont know if that is correct so i would like some confirmation please..
  8. Wow that is lower than I thought. If you tested it for a while then it must be close though.
  9. plaku

    plaku User

    i dont know it just me i did it for some days and average this is what i got.
    Although with pp i think it increases to at least 43% .
    but i need some1 from moderators to confirm it


    If you have 5/5 Electro-optics, I believe your hit rate with lasers is 100%. I've not seen my lasers miss an alien once since I got it to 5/5 so I'm guessing that there is a 88% chance all your lasers will not miss on aliens. PvP is a little more tricky to tell due to pp's again.

    Wow, just had to re-edit due to loads of grammar errors, think I need a Doctor lol.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  11. In the old forums one of the adimins had put on there the your lasers hit on average 75 percent of the time excluding bio. So a miss rate between 25 percent and 35 percent seems about right. Never seen a pld ever miss but know 3030s miss like crazy
  12. plaku

    plaku User

    Nope electro optics increase chance by 12 % i think , which is not much , since evasive manuevers decrease the chance of a shot by almost 24% so in the end u get left with 12 % less + the existing chance of missing a shot.
    So overall it depend what is the actual rate % of missing a shot
  13. You guys are so far off. Elctro Optics increases laser % hit by 12%. Evasive maneuvers decreases that by 12%. I honestly don't think that the chance is as low as 75% because I have seen people shoot on me without missing period. Also, I have done npcs(without elctro optics) in which I rarely miss a shot...then there's those times where you miss a streuner 4 times in a row xD.


    So you say nope as if you know the hit chances off by heart, then you say Electro-optics increases it by 12% you THINK???

    Ok then tell me, how comes I've never EVER missed an alien with my lasers since I got it to 5/5, and don't say Auto-target CPU because that uses up too much xeno.
  15. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    There are no official percentages for laser or rocket accuracy - they are there; we just haven't been told about them.

    If we want to be a little assumptious, the base hit:miss ratio for lasers would be close to 80:20, although this is only an educated guess from some testing done by a number of players/moderators (not myself personally). One thing I can assure you of is that even with the Targeting Guidance CPU 2 active on top of a 5/5 Electro-Optics skill, you will never achieve a 100% hit ratio with lasers.

    Rockets tend to have a slightly higher miss rate than lasers, though I don't have any figures for these in mind.
  16. on npc with 5/5 electro you will have 100% hit ratio.
    pvp heh that is hard to know. i think like 90% hit ratio. i miss some time new players with 0 pp, and i have 5/5 electro-optics
  17. Lol and that maneuver PP basically cancels out a person electro optics.

    I'm kinda curious on our actual Hit Percentage Rate as well, since DO changes so many things in this game, i wouldn't doubt that % wasn't tinkered with too.
  18. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello plaku

    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    The official chance to hit or miss is unknown. From personal testing, I would put the chance-to-hit at around 80%, but it is a subject open to wild speculation from everyone.

    Lasers/rockets have the same chance-to-hit unless specified differently on the item (example: PLT-3030). Even with all bonuses accumulated and added in, it will always be possible to record a MISS - a 100% chance to hit is never guaranteed (I assume this is done by some sort of cap on the hit-rolls at a certain percentage).

    Do you have further questions?
  19. plaku

    plaku User

    No thanx since administrator team dont have a official % rate then, im happy with your numbers.
    You may close
  20. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

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