Discussion in 'General Archive' started by JUDGE, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    The speed of Lordakia and Boss Lordakia has been slightly reduced.

    Why oh why would that be even entering the mind of anyone involved in improving this game i really do not know ! I am baffled as to why anyone at bigpoint could possibly sit down at their desk thinking of things that need improving and only come up with this idea .
    So if anyone has any ideas on how this will improve anything at all then please post below as i would love to read them .
    ŌяǎиĠε likes this.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    At very low levels, I'm talked first few hours of playing, a lordakia can be a nightmare for a brand new player, they are faster than the players ship and auto attack unlike strueners so become very annoying.
    Reducing the speed just allows this new players to escape them easier if they don't want to fight them.
    It also allows to player to kill to alien as it is running off, in some circumstances players don't hit hard enough and are not fast enough to kill a boss lordakia before it runs out of range.

    Hardly something to complain about. It doesn't apply to the vast majority of players but everything helps right now when trying to make brand new players experience better.
  3. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Hardly think that the speed of lordakia is what caused everyone to leave this game lol for the last 5 years no one has ever moaned about it , to be honest i think its pretty pathetic that they think that is why new players dont stick around . This game is seriously doomed if this is the way their brains work at bigpoint .
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    They don't think that's why they left ... it is just one little change to make life slightly easier in the first couple hours of the game.

    I don't see what the big deal is. It would have taken them all of 2 minutes to make the change, literally changing a number, small change for a small impact that's all. They haven't made a big deal out of it like it's a game changing update that will bring in thousands of new players, they just stuck it in the patch notes as something that was altered.
  5. all we need is a big Bot update and thats all
  6. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Lol yh but its the fact that it even entered someones mind that is worrying ! The speed of lordakia has got nothing to do with lowers being empty or noobs quitting this is my point . you need to get new players in the maps first of all . Making lordakia move a bit slower in all fairness will not really help anyone what so ever so i just find it laughable that who had the spare time on their hands to think of ways to help new players came up with this idea , infact ill bet £10 it was that dopey looking chick in the last podcast
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You are making a really big deal out of this. All they did was spend at max 2 minutes changing a number in the code.
    We have probably spend more time writing these posts than the devs did making this change, it really isn't anything worth making a scene about.

    It allows really new players to either run away from lordakia they want nothing to do with or keep up with them on the death run whilst doing quests. This isn't a bad update, it just doesn't affect you or 99% of the other players. There is literally nothing wrong with this update, it's was barely even worth mentioning, why are you complaining about it :s
    Bounty_Hunter_of_Eic likes this.
  8. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Well i can safely say that in the 5 years i been playing i have never heard a single player moan about the speed of lordakia and that they cant keep up with them or get away from them so from my point of view all they have done is yet again tamper with something that no one has ever complained about in the first place .
    Yes it may of only taken 2 minutes like you say but ill bet they spent 2 months debating it first .
    ŌяǎиĠε likes this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Perhaps no one mentioned it because they gave up and quit, didn't have chat open or didn't know how to find it, it's just a little update the make the game easier for those just starting, what's wrong with that, just because it hasn't been complained about doesn't mean it's not a problem.
  10. More importantly .. do you remember this clan ?

  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes, because GB1 and English is the only server and language that exists in DarkOrbit. If you never saw it mentioned they surely it was never mentioned by anyone!

    Brilliant logic.

    You are making a scene over nothing. They slowed the speed or lordakia so new players could keep up with them on their death run to do quests easier, why are you so bothered about that?
    You bet they took 2 months debating to add this in? If it was such a big deal they would have put it in the road map, I think you need to put in perspective how tiny this update is and how much a big deal you are making about it xD
    BOSS~ADAM likes this.
  12. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Lol you big noob yh i should remember it given it was my clan along with W0W2 and W0W3 which you helped me build at the start and which you also made us a website for using weebly or what ever it was called , m8 dont listen to the jealous haters all they do is chat the same rubbish day in day out , people like that BORG1 and rolling thunder for example . My account that is ranked 2nd on gb1 is the same account i had back when i first registered on this game , first clan was MARS then DIE and then BIA2 with you , always has been and always will be mine .
    You can interrogate me all day long i dont mind ask me anything you want .

    Anyway with regards to this thread i could not care less about the speed of lordakia ! your missing the point here . My point is that if i had a list of the top 1000 things to do to make this game better for new starters well that would not even be on the list , that idea should never of even entered the brain of any one involved in this game . If anything then the speed of those crappy little ships they give new starters should of been increased as it takes WAY WAY WAY too long to travel from 3-1 to 3-4 just to get popped and then have to go all the way back again .
  13. Nice 1 m8
    it was mentioned on another thread that you may of not
    been the real Judge
    (it was deleted so thought Id say it again for all the haters here)

    Your last post is :

    100% concrete proof that are and always have been the real Judge!
    (lets hope thats the end of the accusations)

  14. What baffles me is why YOU are all wasting so much energy in debating the speed of a lordakia. Just as bad as bigpoint.
  15. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Its not so much the actual speed but more the fact that they thought of it in the first place and listed it in the patch notes as if they are proud of it , its more to do with the way their brains work when it comes to trying to improve the game for new starters if anything . I mean they took this game and destroyed it themselves over time but they are so stupid that they are leaving in all the stuff that destroyed it and messing with stuff that no one has ever moaned about . Its mind boggling .
    Anyway what you doing up at 4am go back to bed lol
  16. Well to quote tesco every little helps I have had noob accounts that when they started off the lordakias were pretty annoying if you tried to run from it it would catch up and kill you if you tried to chase it it would get away, so this is for the uber noobs and beginners out there. You have to remember not everyone on the game is FE (or anywhere near). Pointless I know, but at least it is better than a year ago... Pointless thread only good to bring the post count up ^_^

    Bet you having fun on d.o since we aren't at war you finally aren't being popped over and over :D noticed you on more
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014