Europe Jackpot

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -›Kίłł★wίtħ★Skίłł², Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Hey guys, I'm from germany so sorry if I have not the best grammar ;)
    The problem is, that the europe jackpot arena doesn't work.
    That means that MUCH people got logouts and shit like that.
    What about the america jackpot today ?
    I just write cause I hope, they will fix the problem till the jackpot start...

    We're really angry about this situation !

    Greez Jan
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

  3. Hmmm, I post this here cause the american jackpot is later than the europe jackpot...
    2 times where bugs in the europe jackpot on in the evening the bugs are fixed in the other jackpot ;)
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If I remember correctly there were issues with a European JPA not long ago, maybe a couple of months, yet the American JPA was fine since they are hosted in different locations.

    So you might be fine and experience none of the problems the European one is having at the moment.
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    You could read the Op post carefully before replying. :rolleyes:

    The Op was asking "
    What about the America jackpot today ? " That seem perfectly clear to me.

    There was a problem on the Europe jackpot arena where players were being log out of the arena.

    -›Kίłł★wίtħ★Skίłł² was asking if there was similar issues with the American jackpot today.
  6. I was in Europe Jackpot and I was having a few issues getting in and out to the Jackpot arena.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If you read the thread you will see I also answered the issue about American JPA:

    You know, the post directly above yours ^^
    When he posted it the American JPA hadn't even started, it only just finished 10 mins ago xD

    Unless you want people to be physic and predict problems of American JPA hours before it started, I explained that if there was to be a problem then it would be declared void and repeated, then I went onto state in the 2nd post that the issues might not occur in American JPA due to server hosting ...

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  8. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I clearly noticed you answered the issue about the American JPA on your second post.
    I was comment on your first post,

    you know, the one above the one you are referring to ^^^

    The post you are referring to shows the ops post was clear enough for you to understand what he was asking and he had explained English was not his native language.

    Simple saying the American Jackpot had not started would have been enough.

    Posting "
    You could post in the German section and get a better answer where people would understand you clearly " seemed a bit harsh to me. Even with the smiley face
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Was just thinking that since all the forums are linked it is very easy for him to go to the German section if he wasn't confident with his English, I post in the German forums but that is for things that we are not allowed to do in the English section, so I have no problem with people from other languages coming here.

    Didn't mean to be harsh, just thought I would point it out encase he thought he had to post here and had come from a English speaking server and so had been directed to the English forums.
  10. Yay we are all friends again and can get back to solving the problem that People had in the jackpot arena had like myself :p
  11. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User


    There was an issue with the JPA and there has been an OA in regards to this.

    I am going to close now as this issue has been taken care of.

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