New Auction Feedback

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Oracle, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. I didn't bother reading all the posts but.. I hate that the auction shows how much a person bid... GA1 is ridiculous with bids as it is... 300mil for a 50 cloak? sometimes 25mil for a single?! boosters go for 200mil... this stuffs gonna get out of hand.
    Seismic-Trash likes this.
  2. I bet they only did that so people won't dodge clan taxes.
  3. pkomg

    pkomg User

    when they release this new system?
  4. Step 1: create a new account
    Step 2: Join the new account to your existing clan
    step 3: pay that ship 100's of millions
    step 4: bid on the ships in trade
    Step 5: repeat step 1

    Even if they put a level limit on the new auction an
    Average or New player is NEVER going to be able to be able win anything

    Incentives/Quests need to be created for existing
    players to help New Players
    Seismic-Trash likes this.
  5. It's against rules to do that though... At one point they would get caught and banned. Sure DO would find it odd if a ton of ships from the same IP kept stepping into a single clan loading up on credits.

  6. Hows it against the Rules?
    I have all my ships in the same clan and could easily pay my other ships with
    the clan credits for bidding if i wanted to etc
  7. An admin stated in a thread awhile back

    "It is against the rules to have multiple accounts in one clan just to pump up the credits"

    you can ask support yourself or have an admin come in here and clarify it..

  8. Well all my ships are active and are all lev 17 +
    Obviously someone like me would not build a ship up to
    that level for the sole purpose of creating credits.

    But if i did choose to send each ship clan credits i cant
    see how that is breaking the rules at all

    Do you have a link to where this has been said?
  9. No, that is why i said ask support. You ARE NOT allowed to have multiple ships in the same clan, just to build up credits.

    Yes you can have multiple ships in one clan, and do as i once did and use my 2nd ship just for it's upgraded module. But you are not allowed to turn tax on and build up credits, just for the purpose of building up another account. It IS AGAINST THE RULES.
  10. Well if you have multiple ships that are all FE and have all the equipment
    I really cant see the problem with sending them credits, nor can i see
    how they could monitor such activity.

    whats your game name? are u on gb1 ? (if your on the game now whisper me)
  11. No, look at my signature, i play those 2 servers. And my ship name is the exact same as my forum name.

    You seem to either be ignoring exactly what i am saying, or are blind to it.

    If you have 2 ships in the same clan.

    One has 500mil credits, while the other has none.

    You turn tax on to get that ship some credits, even though it does not need to bid on anything such as important equipment.

    It is against the rules, as it is seen as trying to gain an advantage in the game.

    Again, write support, or ask an admin, would be best to ask an admin to come to this thread, because so far, i wouldn't see you explaining it to support the correct way, and would not get the right answer.
  12. I am not trying to be difficult here,
    I can hear what your saying but it makes not sense
    Your saying I cannot send Credits to another ship in my Clan

    So If a friend or family member started a new account and joined
    my clan, would I not be able to send them credits either ?

    See my point ?

    its impossible to monitor that kind of activity

    (Sorry to the OP for going off topic and slightly Hijacking this thread)
  13. If it is a family members or a friends account, it is not against rules, i said doing it with your own is against the rules.

    And yes, it is easy to track it, can you imagine 5 different ships from the same IP going to the same clan you are in, and them constantly getting credits. That is clearly someone dishing out credits to another account THEY are using.
  14. depending on the circumstances its not easy to track this at all.
    I have 6+ acc's .. 4 of my kids play this game too as do 2 of there cousins
    (sometimes they bring there laptops round etc)
    My neighbor plays also, an when he gets cut off he borrows my connection
    (an no this isnt made up just so i can argue)

    Thats 8 acc's playing all off the same IP
    (and yes, this has happend before in the past)

    How could someone possible track all of that?

    I was asking what Server u was on,i was gonna show you
    someone that has 24 ships, all same name,same level same clan
    who obviously abuses the system and has been for quite some time etc

    Also.. if i pop an enemy noob to many times or see someone just starting out
    I ask them to join the clan for 1 min just so i can give them credits to help them
    bid for better equipment.. is this against the rules also ?
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  15. plaku

    plaku User

    That is nasty man its gonna kill the little ones. like i said b4 showing how much people bid it takes out the fun because in the begining you could win with much less , now that u can take your credits back the bids has gone much higher , and with this new thing showing bid will take much more
  16. your problem right now, is you keep asking those stupid questions at the end when i pointed out how it works. If it is so obvious that player is doing it btw. report him, it isn't hard. Don't forget this is DO they don't actually care to look for it, only happen to either stumble upon it or hear about it.
  17. i Wont say I have bidded.. want nothing more than what i have PAID for, but I am an Advocate for those that Build and Play for Free.. I Applaud their Dedication and they Deserve a Reward for it.. same as Cash..

    I dont understand this Test Server stuff.. can I Take it to my Server and Own it.. I have all the Ships already and have 4 Hangers.. what I dont like is that I lost my Goli when I bought another Hanger and loaded my Lightining Vengi and lost my Goli for my First config.. cost me another 30 mil Credits.. but I have LOTS of Credits.. What the HECK.. this, Aint Fair.. Fix it.. the New stuff is Great... But I wont write Support because I feel it is WORTH-Less... just a Voice in the OutSkirts of Space.. when are they gonna Show the Skirts.. insert Question mark here...

    so I write here..
    Seismic-Trash likes this.
  18. well said mate well said
  19. JC_Striker

    JC_Striker User

    I strongly agree! I paid 250k uri, for all most, all my ships, and cash for the new ones that just came out!! :mad::mad::mad:
  20. come on boys
    u knew it that sooner or later it would happen
    always happen this way
    lets say i want this A item
    i need it NOW
    i pay for it
    i use it
    happy that ROULOUS (me) cant pay for it = cant have it
    i take advantage of it ... i kill him lets say 258 times cause i got this advantage:):):)
    thats why i invested all these uri on this A item

    some day this is normal that A be available in auction
    do not cry;)
    enjoy the game