Should BP Limit Your Account IP Adress ??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by €Lφ€-ƒôr¢€™, Feb 22, 2014.

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Should BP Limit Your Account IP Adress ??

  1. Yes

  2. No

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I thought it would be a great security feature if Bigpoint locked
    all our accounts to one Ip address that you are already using along
    with locking the associated email to that account.

    why does anybody need the option of changing your email unless
    its for the purpose of Selling/Sharing your account ?

    If you tried to Log in on using a different IP Address the system would not let you log in until you have validated your new IP via your accounts Email Address
    (if you validated a different IP Address, the previous IP Address would be locked again)

    Why lock accounts to one IP address and lock your email ?

    It would complicate the sale of accounts being sold.
    It would stop people being socially engineered (Hacked as some people say).
    It would hopefully put a Stop to all the account sharing that is going on.

    ever wondered how a few of the top ranked ships stay at the top or how they earn more Ep Honour than is humanly possible ?? few of the top ranked ships have no problem giving there account login details they would however think twice about giving there email and password out.

    what do you think ?
    (Once again, no accusing any players please)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    Unstoppable likes this.

  2. You realize not all hackings are caused by account sharing, there are real hackers, and there are MANY ways to hack into darkorbit accounts...


    I think its a good idea, but I would suggest 2 IP addresses as many people have more then 1 computer (sometimes I play while at other family members houses)

    So I think it would be wise to have each player to approve 1-3 IP addresses for the account to be logged in on hassle free. All other IP addressees, like you said, will need permission from you, and the validity of the email sent to the user should be 30 minutes and then you have to try again in 24 hours...

    What is your opinion on my suggestion?
  3. These real hackers dont seem not hack into there bank details :eek:
    most of it is social engineering and downloading key loggers etc
    the rest is account sharing thats gone horribly wrong.

    To me, thats just 2 more people that can share the same account
    as i suggested, you could validate another ip using your accounts email address
    (but once u validate 1 the other gets locked until you validate it again)
    ROULOUS___HELLAS and Unstoppable like this.

  4. No, there is ways to hack people who linked their accounts to Facebook, anyways...I don't know the details of it...Also, not all hackers are Frauds, once you steal bank info then your in trouble with the law. Most people don't call the law for items being sold...

    But yes, I think this is a great idea and would definitely be a major security increase. I for one back this idea up.
  5. ramnik

    ramnik User

    I don't agree, i like to play this game at other place too other than where i live atm, i usually play at my grandparents house
  6. Hmm no I disagree with this, I usually tend to play this game in more than one place - school, my friends house, other family members etc...
  7. this has got to be the worst idea i have ever seen and near enough the daftest lol
  8. Nothing stopping you from logging in at those places providing it was your account
    and you had access to your darkorbit email account ..

    (dont think you read it properly)

    Nothing stopping you from logging in at those places providing it was your account
    and you had access to your darkorbit email account ..
    dont think you read it properly)

    Would live to hear your reason why.
    Ive mentioned why I think it would be a good idea
    can you mention any on why it is not?
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 22, 2014
  9. Why limit peoples IP's most people IP's change on a daily bases. also why should you guys be worried about other peoples ip?
  10. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    I have to say that this is not the best idea I have read, but is not totally unworkable. I use a mobile internet dongle and so have a dynamic IP address, it changes every time I log in. I know that a lot of others also have the same issue. so having to verify my registered email every day, and possibly several times per day on each of my active accounts (mod and player) would really become something of a grind after a while.

    As a suggestion to modify your idea I would be more concerned if someone was logging into your account from another GEOIP i.e. another country. As an example if my account was registered in GB and someone was trying to log in from RU or BG (or anywhere other than GB) then the verification system should kick in.

    Just food for thought
  11. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Facebook uses something similar in that you have the option to change your security settings so that if ever you log in from a different ip then a verification code is sent to your phone which then has to be entered before you can log in from that different ip address . So basically you would store all your most commonly used ip addresses for example you home pc , laptop and whatever then if ever you try to log in from somewhere else then a passcode is sent to your mobile phone which has to be entered before you are able to log in from that unrecognised ip address .
    The only problem with this is what someone above mentioned in that if you have a dynamic ip then you constantly have to enter the passcode sent to your phone every time you want to log in as it never recognises your ip due to it changing every time .

    Separate email account with strong password
    strong password on the DO account
    common sense

    is really all you need to keep safe , its very very rare that people actually get 'hacked'
    the vast majority of people who claim to have been 'hacked' are normally just victims of their own foolishness ,for example
    Clicked on dodgy links thinking they would get 10 mill uri
    share their account with other people
    mix with the wrong type of people in-game
    get tricked into giving out their password
    unknowingly download a key logger due to being on a dodgy teamspeak server
    logging into DO from an unsecured pc , i.e at school library or a friends house
    a lot of people when they first register with a new game simply make their password 1234 and then never bother changing it same with email address

    I would bet there has never actually been anyone on this game who has genuinely been 'hacked' by someone else who has spent 2 years of their life trying to crack the passwords for their email and DO accounts .
    People will always try to blame someone or something else for them losing their account but at the end of the day it really is just down to their own stupidity.
    Most people who claim to be 'hackers' are not hackers at all but just lowlife jealous haters who trick the vulnerable into giving out information in order to steal their account .
  12. I think maybe a security question or something like that if you log in from somewhere else I play at different places so locking it to one IP would prevent me form doing that. as far as email changes well some people say someone that has comcast as their email then they decide to go to a different provider well then they no longer have access to their comcast e mail so there is a need to change e mail to a different place just as an example.
  13. Facebook is how people are getting their accounts hacked...don't link your darkorbit accounts to facebook..
  14. Bank stuff its easier to get track of , whenever u take advantage of it youll get caught easier, than just stealing a game account,,,
    I agree with unstoppable, there's is ways in which you do not need to know anything about the user maybe just either email or name of the account, but there is ways to hack without asking the user directly for his/her information...
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  15. lol ikr? i use a completely different E-mail lmao.
  16. I have 4 pcs of my own from which I play. 10 in my house hold ..and I also travel a lot .. and I play from where ever I can . Romania. UK(sometimes) different US states .different cities .. at school .. so how with this benefit me ?
  17. ramnik

    ramnik User

    yh i also travel sometimes too and i play alot from other countries aswell :L
  18. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    I often travel from the UK to the Middle East a few times each year for upto 4-5 weeks at time, and i like to have access to dark orbit when i am out there. I also travel the UK a fair amount, so my IP would change fairly often. I also no longer have access to the email address my account is registered after my email was hacked.
  19. No No No! You obviousily have never been in a military family, i used to travel and live in seperated houses, 2 in a year sometimes,what happens if you go on holiday or visit a friend?

    No No No
  20. [​IMG]

    Although I have a fairly harmless idea like that guy above mentioned

    Have 3 security questions you have to answer when logging in from a new IP

    Doesn't take much trouble to answer (unless you know nothing about yourself...) and doesn't require an email but it is another layer of security
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014