'Rod from God'

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathlykiller45, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. This is a new turret that can be placed in space no pvp event pvp and no pirate maps but allowed on a CBS.
    The HP and DMG stats are based on what you make it with.
    lvl 1: 5 hs1 rocket launchers 1000 plt 2026 4000 eco-10 1000 prometid HP 1mill dmg 20k building time 15 seconds
    lvl 2: lvl 1 3 hs2 900 plt202 4500 HSTRMS 1000 Promerium HP 2mill DMG 30k build time 40 seconds
    lvl 3:lvl2 5 hs2 1000 plt3030 3800 UBERs 3800 seprom 6lf3 hp 7.5 mill dmg 70k build time 2 mins

    post constructive critizim and revisions below
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  2. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Okay, this idea seems decently valid (Except the name), but why do we need it?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    This is way to expensive to make, maybe not entirely over powered, probably under powered for the price of a level 3 one, you can put this on a CBS and in space so you can drop a random thing like this almost anywhere and it hits 70k on any player, no no no. It's also kind of tough to read that sloppy paragraph of your's, certainly not good presentation of the idea lol.
  4. нокυм

    нокυм User

    I like the idea of turrets, but I would rather see it as a function for the PET in the form of gear.

    So, you go to the location you want your "turret" at, activate the gear, and it becomes stationary in that position. It would probably have to work in coordination with other gear for it to be aggressive and actively target enemies that get within range. Anyway, this method would allow for more customization and the damage/durability of each turret would be dependent on how advanced that particular PET is.

    It would require fuel to run, the owner to be online, and the owner to be in that map. So it would not be a permanent fixture with millions of HP that just sits around incinerating newbies all day.

    You could even have different turret modes for it. I like the idea of a "pinger" setting which would cause the PET to ping itself when it detects enemies within it's radar range.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  5. i think i buffed it well enough

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Still a no, we don't need these on CBS's, they're to expensive and powerful as well.
  7. i will decrece price and power and cange the CBS thing
  8. Blah

    Blah User

    NO to this idea... this is completely unneccesary and I feel like the game is good enough, we dont' need another thing for the ues to spam on their cbses.
  9. Sporkk

    Sporkk User

    Eh yeah this idea sounds good but in the end we really dont need it and it seems like it would need a lot of balancing to be anything applicable to the game and a bit impractical. But that name omg xD
  10. Concept is good, but as usual implementation could use work. I like the idea of defencive mechanics, this game is getting too offence-heavy. The CBS helped a bit with that but battles still end too quickly. Being able to retreat to a cluster of turrets and force your enemy to back off would be very nice.

    Also, if there were some sort of notification mechanic attached to them to let you know when someone activates your turret it would be nice to set one down on or around a portal, so when an enemy enters you can tell.

    Add an option to shoot at any enemy (including aliens), or only players plox
  11. Sporkk

    Sporkk User

    Well that might make dogfights from going to quickly, to never ending. Also it seems like it would be pretty over powered.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
  12. imm sory i saw it on some old TV show and it sounded like a catchy and cool name
  13. Necessity Vs Needs, let's see who wants it, This idea is good though.
  14. I don't really get the point of this.