Server Transfer opportunity

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Herculeyzz, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Herculeyzz

    Herculeyzz User

    Dear DarkOrbit Forum,

    I would like to have an opportunity to change server but that you keep all equipment etc (pilot sheet stuff too ...)
    Probably you wonder why?
    At the time I have chosen scandinavia 2 my brother played it, but after the big bot-hack patch has been there, there are a lot of players stopped on that server (because of course they are caught!) -> Logic
    Therefore, I would like to be able to play in a more busier server like global 1-2-..-x
    and that would be much funner and less lonely , you know.

    It should not be free, I understand, of course.
    I would suggest a price of 100.000 Uridium to transfer to another server but only 1x per account.

    Of course this is a sketchy idea.

    But this would bring the fun back when i would fly around in my goliath :D

    Greets Hercules
    MeF_ioza, hellseeker685, CHEO and 2 others like this.
  2. i agree with you it will satisfy the darkorbit community and even make darkorbit extra money becouse people would buy 100k uri then switch servers . i like the idea and would like it to happen +1 from me
  3. Suggested many many times can't happen...
  4. Herculeyzz

    Herculeyzz User

    Alright it has been suggested but does it mean I dont want it anymore?

    It is a WIN-WIN situation for Darkorbit : More active players on servers and they gain money with it.

    EDIT: Scandinavia 2 is literly a time bom of ZERO activity.
    (Sorry for not perfect english)
  5. Well, then everyone can make easy account in dead servers and then move on in the full is this fair ?


    It would be great to see this brought into the game but i doubt it will ever be implemented. The problem with the idea is that moving accounts to different servers could cause serious issues such as items being lost.
  7. nice idea it would be good if they do that because i also wanted to change my Server Because too low People play it all x-6 maps empty all time so its would be a good idea if they implement this.
  8. Seek N Destroy has a good point....I could easily go to a less populated server and solo any npc i want...(Cubes/Ubers/Bk/ect...) and make lots of uri then swap to another server when im ufe.....This idea has a big whole in it.Also server merge is one thing DO is avoiding as you see the new reloaded launch...They want more players...So tell your friends to play with you...either reality or friends from other games...The world is full of gamers.
    SeeK_nDestroY likes this.
  9. they need to implement this, but not 100k uri as that can be farmed up like notihng in about 2-3 hours(form experience) so it sohuld increase to 1mill, or better yet makeing it cost $100 but only once a month kind of thing

    they could do this or they could pick a bunch of the dead servers and merge them together

    I woudl love to leave my servers its not only dead but the active players all run there cheats and having admins protecting them makes playing this server a pain
  10. 1 mil uridium is a bit too steep aye? it has to be at a price where the average player would be able to reach, without spending endless months grinding uridium to move servers ( if this was to be implemented).

    My opinion to OPs idea: I disagree because this could be taken advantage of, by players. like someone has suggested a player may just move to an inactive server to quickly improve their accounts due to its inactivity thus, allowing them to farm without being disturbed. And then moving back to their original server.

    What may work, is server merge, but as we've been told many time, it isn't possible.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
  12. I do not like this idea for it can destabilize current server rankings if players get to keep there ep honor etc. not to mention it is unfair to players of that server who were there before people started jumping
  13. 1mill can be farmed up in 1 week easy, 3-4 weeks max if u consitantly farm about 5 or 6 hours a day
  14. It'll be great to switch servers, but how about in only ONE CONDITION: THE PLAYER WILL BE MOVED INTO THE NON-DOMINATING COMPANY NO MATTER WHAT!
    that way, it'll also be fair for everyone!
  15. No, no, still it's not fair the fact, that you can develop in dead servers and come in full server..
  16. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    For so many reasons this is a bad Idea that would be impractical.

    Here are a few of them:-

    1. It could make some servers even more empty.
    Leaving players that did not want to move server with even less active players.

    2. A player/s that currently plays on a high Rank point server, could jump to a newer server and automatically take the top rank/s.

    3. Each ship would have to be moved manually creating a potential for error, so it would be a very labour intensive process.

    How is that possible? > "1mill can be farmed up in 1 week easy"
    Even playing 15 hours per day every day, would require making around 10k per hour every hour. So how is that easy.

    How is it possible to farm 100k uri in 2-3 hrs ?
    That's 33k -50k per hour. or 550 - 833 uri per minute. It may be possible on a crazy cube event if lucky, but not from farming normal npcs.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  17. I remember years ago that it is just not possible to move accounts from server to server..this was a quote from DO team.
  18. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    i like this idea no matter what anyone say, i am playing on global europe 3 and it is getting empty and more empty every week, so it would be great to change sevrer no matter of what would it cost
  19. No it would not be great it would mess up ranks once again
  20. Also, may i add on that, farming 100k uridium, isn't possible, unless you play for like a day; constantly cubing. Which not many players manage. Heck, some don't even manage to play 4 hours contant...due to life etc.
    Meaning, that yes, 1 mil could be farmed in 1 week, if you actually put in the more hours...that's if you're able to. Which not every players are .
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