No rewards

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Red-Rocket™, Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. ID32647925 GB1

    Hi DO

    I used my kami and know sometimes u don't get anything but on this occasion i got the minerals but no creds, exp or uri on about 77 little sibs in gamma so missed about 3/4k uri and probably over 1mil in exp.

    is this just tough luck ??


  2. Funky

    Funky User

    This is normal, when you kill groups of aliens with you Kami, you don't get the wohle reward.
  3. I have noticed this only happens if I don't have a lock. If your locked on and actively shooting, this usually won't happen.
  4. This problem happens to me in gates at most times when I get no rewards from the NPC
  5. I you use kami in gate just lock an npc and shoot at it. Then you will get your reward
  6. DO is browser game so if you shoot down a big group of NPCs, some data can be lost, and you won't get your reward, it's sometimes happen..
  7. JUDGE

    JUDGE User

    Its a bug with the kami its been like it for about 2 years now , people come on and complain about it all day every day yet no one at bigpoint seems to give a crap that we are all losing uri and rewards because of it . I done 3 gates today and its happened 7 times which has lost me about 5k uri and about 5 mill ep .
  8. That's why I just kami them into corner then finish them off, the ones that die (about5 at a time) ill get rewards for, but if I do too many at once I don't get it, so 1 shot them all in corners lol.
  9. Same issue, i did gamma gate lks in the corner all 80 where their i kamied got zero rewards, i missed out on so much uri!
  10. Yeah it becomes a real pain in the long run, last time I bashed out gamma, beta, and alpha in one go, I lost out on a lot of uri, and missed out on some extra rsb for the hunt I had planned. Again, since then, I just shoot them in the corners.
  11. They need to fix the issue
  12. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    To the original poster, this is a known issue and is caused by not having the lock and shooting while using the Kami. Kamikazi is supposed to be a last line of defence and NOT a primary weapon. If you use it as it is designed it works perfectly.

    I am going to close this now as it has been 10 days since you originally posted and have not commented since. If you have any further questions please open a new thread.

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