Premium Navigation

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CURVY, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. CURVY

    CURVY User

    I am here to propose a new premium feature. That is the premium Navigator!
    What it will do is make use of the position numbers, e.g. 107/75 e.g. and will take your ship to that location once you type it in.

    It will only be available to Premium members and is an addition to premium's perks, once premium is lost, this ability is also lost.

    The icon could have its own drop down box from the many already in existence.

    Applications: Easier quests, battle help ( I am at position e.g. please can you come help me shoot the eic) and stack commanding ( 3..2..1.. go!) taking the whole stack to one point.

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
    Oracle likes this.
  2. i admit .. nice presentation
    fair good to add "aplications" paragraph
    but not a so "must have" item / feature
  3. CURVY

    CURVY User

    Thank you for your opinion :) It is definitely not a must have but rather an added perk to premium that some may or may not find useful (for instance ' double fire rate' on rockets) is not a must have, but rather increase game enjoyability :)
  4. double fire rockets my friend is a must ... ask me .. i am not a premium player:(
  5. CURVY

    CURVY User

    It is not a must, it is a desired feature by all, as will the premium navigation will be desired and can be used by everyone who has premium :)
  6. The Premium does need a overhaul with at least a couple more perks for subscribers.
  7. It is a must, because it gives you the advantage over your enemy, in battles ( if they aren't premium themselves)...and of course, more damage XP.

    But yeah, i do agree with your idea, it seems okay. :)
  8. CURVY

    CURVY User

    It is a good idea, and one, I think would benefit the players of Darkorbit hugely. :)
  9. Darkorbit did that ages ago, where you typed in the Co ordinations and it took you there if i can remember
  10. No it never had that. i tried it back then, it never did anything of the sort.

    I personally don't care much about this idea. I don't see how it is useful to be honest. When you gonna use it? Like 5 times when doing a mission for coordinates? Someone says here's a cheat at 57/98? rarely used, not needed.
  11. How about instead they use the Co-ordinate system for a mass jump of Outfit; Route plotted by the Oufit leader of course :rolleyes:
  12. CURVY

    CURVY User

    It could be used in clan hunts quite regularly when a precise point may prove beneficial or uniform.
    I like that idea a lot actually :D would you need premium for it, or just the outfit leader, or no need for premium and just an added feature to the outfit box? :)
  13. 1: Outfits (follow and ping option)
    2: Mini map graphics (not all use graphics but still used)
    3: Teamspeaks (again, not everyone but still used by many)
    4: It is easy to just fly in that direction, especially since people move.

    I find the clan hunt comeback a bad one.
  14. HeHe CURVY I'm not here to Hi-Jack your thread :p.

    Maybe I'll Make my own and explain it a lot more thoroughly, or maybe not who knows.