New forum is sloppy and unorganized

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Unstoppable, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. The Technical Questions section can be answered by players, personally, I don't want players posting things on my threads regarding game issues otherwise I'd have posted it in General Questions.

    The FAQ's section is also sloppy. That is suppose to be restricted to only Moderators posting in there, and if a useful thread from a player is created, it can be moved to the FAQ (Game or User FAQ's)

    But I've also noticed that the FAQ's are not actually FAQ's and is being used as a secondary "General Question" area, which is rather pointless. We need a FAQ section which is locked to users so only important and reliable information from credible sources can be posted.

    Which leads to my second question, when are the FAQ's from the old forum going to be brought over here?

    Also, Why is the "Update and Idea Pool" section not categorized? I am hoping it will be catagorized in the near future.

    And my final question, if the old forum was decommissioned due to overload of data (and outdated security), why have useless sections such as "forum games" I don't know about you, but I come to the forums to seek help and provide help when needed. Not to play forum games.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  2. Lets see if I can word this nicely... The forums have only been up for 3 days. And you expect them to have everything figured out by then? Not only do they have do deal with millions of players in the game, but they also have multiple languages to take of. If you think they are slacking then please, create your own forum in a matter of days and I will be happy to join it.
  3. I geuss to some its how you describe it, but to me after i started to understand it i am a pro at navigating, and also give them a break the forum was put up like 3 days ago lol
  4. They've had way longer then 3 days to get a new forum up and running. The fact is, its sloppy. And they are doing the same things on this forum that led to needing a new forum in the first place. It was put up 3 days ago yes, but they have had plenty of time to get it right.
  5. Hahaha... if you actually took the time to look at and explore the forum it would make more sense. But considering you just joined and are already complaining, I guess who you haven't taken the time to try to understand it. As for me and Apollo above, we know how the system works. The reason we know this is because we looked through it and explored.
  6. I know how the forum works, and considering your telling me what I do and do not know, proves you do not understand what I am saying. please reread my post and understand what I am saying so you may make an intelligent response.

    If your comment to me not understand forums was in general speaking of all forums, Please refer to the old forums and have a look at my count, I know how they work and I know the rules of them.

    Its how this forum is layed out and how it is being used.

    Again, reread and make a statement once you grasp what I am saying.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I agree with your point on technical questions, I think the moderator only reply idea worked very well on the old forums.
    FAQ section looks jumbled up and unclear, again as you pointed out.

    The only thing I don't mind that you had mentioned is the idea pool, I don't think I have a preference either way as to whether it is better or worse on the new forums.

    As for the forum games, I think it was mentioned in another thread that they want to keep all the languages in the same format, so that is why it made a return, just as long as threads like "count to 1 million" don't start again ...
  8. As requested I reread the original post. As I understand it you don't want players helping you when you ask a question in technical questions. You want a mod ,who has other things to do, to answer your question because you are too good to receive help from a player that has been through the same problem you are going through right now. If I am wrong in my interpretation of you post then please edit it so it is more understandable.
  9. Arch~Angel, Its not that I'm too good for it, its the fact there are to many forum users who use the forums and provide wrong or unclear/poorly written responses which can further irritate any user. A Technical Question section is for moderators and other members of the team to respond to, General Questions is for all members of the forum to ask and give responses to. Otherwise the whole forum in itself would become a General Questions section with different names.

    As to your reference that mods "You want a mod ,who has other things to do" members of the team knew that by signing up to become a moderator, they would have to sacrifice some of their time daily to moderate the chat, or forums. Therefor, by having moderators but never using them is very pointless as your suggesting.

    If the mods don't like helping players, then I would recommend they remove themselves from the team.
  10. I dont see anything wrong with the forums. I personally like it. I mean i never went and posted things on the old forum but now it looks great and there is more people and ive already doubled what I posted in the old forums and i like everything the way that it is.
  11. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Even though you say you have reread the original post I guess you are missing the points being raised.
    The original post is perfectly clear. I guess you have not considered the implication of the de-restriction of the Tech and FAQ section.

    The Tech section was locked and restricted to the OP and certain knowledgeable mods back in 2009 although a few companied at the time it was a very good decision.

    The Tech section was for technical game issue. Having anyone post their 2 pence worth, just floods the section with post, making it more difficult for the op to get a response from a mod, who can fix the issue, or pass it on as required.

    There are General questions and Newbie sections for question if the op wants anyone to answer their questions.

    Similarly the FAQ section was set to restricted so that it only contained threads that gave factual answers to FAQ.
    Unstoppable likes this.
  12. By allowing the players to answer questions, whether they are right or not, gives more time to the modes to edit and organize the forum. So possibly for the first few weeks the tech section will remain the same until things get under control and the mods have less other stuff to do. Yes some players are mistaken in their answers. But this does not you have to listen to these people.
    Just because you understood the original post does mot mean I did. I did, however, understand the most recent post from the OP. And I said above just because someone puts in their comment does not mean you have to listen to or believe them
  13. I would just like to say that Darkorbit team have clearly put a lot of effort into this new forum and it looks great and is better than the old one and you should be glad that the Darkorbit team can concentrate on better things now since the game has now been sorted out and they can focus more on the people so good job Darkorbit team I love the new forum!!
    ~~Arch^Angel~~ likes this.
  14. Arch Angel, do you realize how illogical your statement is? You are basically saying "who cares if the players receives right or wrong information on their technical questions, as long as mods don't have to reply right away"

    Not sure if your a troll or just very close minded and thinking wrong
    answers on a forum is a good idea....
  15. Look the Darkorbit team are still working on the forum and they are trying to help as many people as they can and this forum is new and may take a while to get everything back on it.
  16. You make sound like I don't care about the forums. I guarantee you, it's just the opposite. It is not good to receive a false answer, but somebody will the right answer.
    User 1: How do I jump through a portal?
    User 2: You have to go to the portal and circle it twice.
    User 3:the above answer is wrong.. You have go to the portal and press j.
    User 2: Oh. I did not know that! Thanks!

    Now, obviously this is pretty stupid scenario. But it gets my point across. By allowing players to answer other players questions, they will eventually correct themselves to find right answer. And the mis informed player will that he was wrong and learn the correct way.
    And lastly, I will never, ever be a troll. And about me being close minded, I think out of the box.
  17. Yes I agree with you there!! I think this thread should be closed before a fight starts :(
  18. I do not wish for a fight to start. I just want everybody to see the whole picture and not one side of the argument.
  19. Yeh I agree there :p I would say that this forum isn't sloppy and messy because it has brought many more people to the forums and is a great thing and people need to know that :p
    ~~Arch^Angel~~ likes this.
  20. well said. we even have a section for Buddy Search . this is not a freaking dating site or a site for lonely people to make friends get rid of that embarrassing section and replace it with decent ones that players care about