New Auctions feedback thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Juturna, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Because CBS can be shot down in no time since it wasn't properly thought out. All you do is aim for the center with 20+ people and it's gone. Unless they have 5 citadels sitting on the center lol.
  2. Take a wild guess.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  3. I saw that and my guess was "They want us to spend even more on this game"
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  4. why they didn't put the PET?
  5. Because the pet is something you work for considering how much gets done with it. Do you know how many people would rage if the noobs could get the pet so easily after all the uri we put into them over the couple years its been out? Back when it first came out, we spent hundreds of thousands of uri on gears because they weren't permanent.
  6. .Šuяaj.

    .Šuяaj. User

    now i understand why bp let us see who has bid how much.
    It was to catch cheaters easily i guess....
    Good job bp..
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  7. if you having to bid on ammo your a small ship since system wont let you buy any when you over stocked with ammo and most small ships dont use mines and pvp with them,as for the high bids lol...Only time will tell.Im curious to see how this plays out.
  8. The CBS can be a pain too. If the repairs on the main modules were cheaper or Perhaps use say 10 rep credits per repair.
    Otherwise you pay with out discounts 10,000 uri just to repair the center modules.
  9. Not really, besides the fact a lot of players on GA1 put multiple ships into one clan with hacked credits then used tax to give it to one ship, they weren't caught and banned. So the player who put over 400 billion at lvl 13, Kara claimed to have gotten it all from a clan. Which no clan has over 400 billion for a noob to get crap.
  10. Maybe they really really really liked the Noob.:cool:
  11. Yeah they must like a lot of noobs seeing as so many of them "got billions from clans"
    Has always been my dream to give a brand new player 500 billion credits. I can't be the only one right?
  12. odaddyo

    odaddyo User

    I like the new format and concept. The only thing I do not like is the visibility of the bids in the hourly auction. This is driving up the price of bids and that is crippling new players from being competitive.
    Overall, I like the rest of the items being shown because the prices on them should be high and still make them less common and difficult to obtain.
  13. Yeah the newbies on GA1 have been complaining about the bids. 100mil for an lf3? 60mil for 10 cloaks? Everything keeps shooting up cause everyone is competing for the bids.
  14. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    there is no skill in bidding anymore, its simply who get is the last bid in the last second
  15. Or who hacked the most credits lol. That's all this game is, only way is to cheat.
    Whoadizzle4XX and -oversoulpaul- like this.
  16. moon1976

    moon1976 User

    IT seems that the auction isn't exactley synced right tbh. For example at 30s to the turn over of the hourly auction, i put my bid in and it was still counting,so instead of the buy out on the previous bid. My bid was placed for the next hour. How the counter jumped from 25seconds to the next auction hour count down. Shows alot in the unsynced timing . Which in turn unsyncs people from actually seeing and bidding against each other in a fair time frame. It is a game issue, due to the system I am running has zero lag from other MMORPG games that i play, and all of the graphic setings are on ultra for those, and I get zero lag and outstanding frame rates.
  17. yes they might add them on events but who gets the chance to get them?

    people with low creds or high creds

    everyone goes about putting BILLIONS on trade for what to stop everyone else bidding yeah but is it nessisary no, no one else things that others arent getting the fair chance on trade.

    The updated auction is a joke all its aimed at is you high level player with thousands in the bank to line dark orbits pockets but no one things about the free players we want a chance too and seeing others bids its ok but not when you see thier bid and go 30mill up from it, its stupid and needs sorting out
  18. Yeah on GA1 i noticed its over 20 seconds off. Quite irritating.

    The only things you'd see are special event items most likely. And aimed at high levels? The auction on GA1 has been dominated by basic space pilots since it got updated, even generals outbid because of the credit hack DO fails to get rid of and punish players for.

    They claim to be able to see clan tax and logs, yet won't take the time to scan all those accounts for the billions they seem to have at low levels.
  19. this noobie is wining the aegis & aegis elite design but whats weird is this
    MEMBER SINCE:Jul 3, 2014<------- we are not even in july LOL
  20. There's a bug in the system which says the wrong join date for some. Like my west ship says i join september of 2013, when i joined march.
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