X-9 Maps Plus 2 New Aliens

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by APOLLO[SKE★], Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Hello Forum Goers,
    Everyone knows how fun Darkorbit is but we are ude for an upgrade, we have been getting new backgrounds for all maps but PvP Maps (Keep those the same Please!)
    Currently out X-8 Maps hold the Uppers Home Base, I Dream of an X-9 Map to hold Aliens that will blow our Minds!
    Way to Access X-9
    Through a Portal in the Middle of X-8 Map

    What Is the Level Requirement?
    You must be Level 17 to make the Jump

    What Will be Located in these Maps?
    2 Brand new Npc's. (I Currently Don't have Names but I do Have their Stats)

    Stats for the Scepter (Suggested by ~~Arch^Angel~~)
    Health: 700,000
    Shield: 500,000
    Damage: 6,750- 9,000
    Base Speed: 240

    EP: 89,600
    Honor: 384
    Uridium: 200
    (Or 225)
    Credits: 575,900

    Stats for the Scythe (Suggested by ~~Arch^Angel~~)
    Health: 90,000
    Shield: 80,000
    Damage: 1,650-2,200
    Base Speed: 320

    EP: 28,800
    Honor: 96
    Uridium: 57
    Credits: 79,500

    These are Just some Ideas i have been debating in my mind for a long time, please comment names for the new NPC's because i can't think of any!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  2. Scepter for stronger one and scythe for the smaller one.
  3. Adding now
  4. But do you like them?
  5. The scythe's rewards are a little much, but other than that it seems good. It would also create a new alien for a new GG.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  6. Its a nice idea and you have though of this well, however, I like all the maps and haven't got bored of them and also there isn't really anywhere for it to go because all the maps fit in nicely together and adding a new map will confuse people and make everything different.
  7. Good stats, ep and honor is very balanced for the NPC's health and damage. Good job, would be fun.
  8. I edited rewards for the First ship, how does it look?
  9. I know right, been thinking about this for over 1 month
  10. Good idea, would love to kill them and earn good uri
  11. Thanks, and nice profile picture
  12. What server do you play on?
  13. Now you have named all the npcs and have their stats and rewards now you have to design them :p
  14. What would be their cargo drop?
  15. The stronger plone should have double what a bk has and the weaker one could a bit more than an sk or something like that.
  16. That would be good.
  17. A good simple solution there :p now all you need is the picture of it and you are sorted :D have fun with that :p
  18. Hmm.. I could...
  19. You should :D lol
  20. It would be hard to do it on my tablet, now wouldn't it?