[GI] Signatures Don't Display?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KilerStreak, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. So, just got on the forum and setup my account ^^
    But I can't seem to see others' signatures, or even mine.
    Something new?
  2. Try going in to preferences and changing it from there.
  3. Hello KilerStreak

    Thank you [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™ for assisting with this thread.

    Go to 'Preferences' and mark 'Show people's signatures with their messages.'

    Do you have any further questions?
  4. Ah, thanks, found it ^^
    Nope, no more questions ^^
  5. Please don't use blue ink its hard to read, hurts my eyes lol
  6. Lool, gotta match ma signature, and, brighten up your display + don't use at night and eat plenty of carrots; the nutrition in there helps balance out colors xD
    But seriously...
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    But seriously it's annoying and hard to read, people will eventually not even bother ;) Should think about changing your signature if you care about your text being the same colour ^^
  8. Alright, how 'bout this?
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A lot clearer, doesn't strain the eyes to read ^^
  10. much better and btw i am 15 and i have exelent vision
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