Clan System Overhaul

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ═╝ĀTØM╔═, Mar 13, 2014.

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  1. So basically I figured the clan system is flawed in a few ways, so I've thought of a few points to fix it.

    1) Clan News
    So when you post something in clan news it is automatically an anonymous post, no one knows who you are unless you sign it with your name. I suggest reworking this so it appears in a similar format to a blog.

    Allow people with clan news access to put a title to the clan news post (this ties in with what I'm about to suggest) so people will know what the post is about. The title could be displayed on a bar above the post itself along with the name (which could possibly link to their profile) of whoever posted it.

    Also, it would be useful to add a search box to the clan news so if they need to find an older entry they search a few keywords and find what they want. The search box could search for words both in titles and in the post itself.

    Since this would need more space than that tiny box at the bottom of the screen in order to useful I suggest moving clan news to its own page, this would then become the default page so whenever a clan member clicks "Clan" they are taken to the clan news. Clan info could be put on a seperate page.

    2) Clan Messages
    When the mail feature was introduced with the ability to the message everyone in a clan, the in-clan messaging feature has kind of become obsolete. Therefore I suggest scrapping his and merging it with the mail system and maybe putting a new tab in the mail system saying "clan." The clan messages button could then link to this tab in the mail system.

    The mail system is superior to the clan messaging system. There is more space to read messages so you don't have to scroll down every two minutes on longer messages and you receive notifications whereas with the current clan messaging system messages can go unread for days on end as there is no way of notifying the player that they have a clan message. Because of this, I have encouraged my clan members to use this system rather than the clan messaging system.

    3) Clan Bank
    Only thing I can suggest here is making it so the system doesn't take credits off. Right now when you send credits to someone the system takes off 10% of those credits and I could never see why that was the case. So if you gave someone 8mil creds, they would receive 7.2mil since the system would have taken 800k of those credits off. Those credits don't go back into the clan either, they are just gone and wasted.

    It's a pointless feature that serves no purpose (from what I can see) and it can get annoying having to compensate for this.

    4) Clan Memberlist and Ranks
    The ranking system is flawed not necessarily for regular members with no leader rights, but for people who design the ranks since there is no way to rename ranks other than by deleting and re-creating them. I feel that the ability to rename ranks without having to delete them would be a welcome addition since it saves time.

    Also, have a sort of authority order. Leaders should be able to arrange ranks on the list to give them a higher or lower position of authority (this ties in with the next suggestion.) For example, if you make the Bronze rank first (for new members) then go up to Gold or Platinum for co-leader, you should be able to move Platinum to the top of the pecking order somehow.

    The above would tie in with this: Sorting feature. This would allow people to sort the list (similar to sorting files on your operating system based on name/size/date.etc) based on the following things...
    • Name (ascending, A to Z)
    • Date Joined (descending?, from latest to earliest)
    • Authority Level (descending from most authoritative to least, see above)
    • Experience (ascending)
    • Company (ascending based on map number, so MMO (1-X) EIC (2-X) and VRU (3-X))
    • Rank (ascending, based on ranking not clan position (e.g. Captain, Basic Major.etc))
    • Activity Level (ascending, most active to least active)
    Like with the clan news, a search box could also be provided on this page.

    5) Clan Upgrades
    Yes, I am aware this suggestion has caused controversy in the past but hear me out on this one.

    The clan bank could be used to buy upgrades for the clan, these are what I had in mind. These upgrades could laid out in paths like the skill tree. All clan upgrades would start at level 0 by default. (Level 0 being no bonuses)

    In order to get an upgrade, you must have bought of the previous upgrades before it. (So you couldn't get Trading III without getting Trading I and Trading II for example)

    You can invest in multiple paths.

    • Path 1 - Trading (affects how many creds members get per ore sale)
      • Trading I: +5% credits per ore sale (15,000,000c)
      • Trading II: +10% credits per ore sale (30,000,000c)
      • Trading III: +15% credits per ore sale (45,000,000c)
      • Trading IV: +20% credits per ore sale (60,000,000c)
      • Trading V: +25% credits per ore sale (75,000,000c)
    Total cost for path 1: 225,000,000c
    This only affect credit gain. GG energy gain from palladium will always remain at 15:1 regardless of what level the clan's trading level is.
    • Path 2 - Rewards (affects rewards from NPCs)
      • Rewards I: +4% NPC rewards (20,000,000c)
      • Rewards II: +8% NPC rewards (40,000,000c)
      • Rewards III: +12% NPC rewards (60,000,000c)
      • Rewards IV: +16% NPC rewards (80,000,000c)
      • Rewards V: +20% NPC rewards (100,000,000c)
    Total cost for path 2: 300,000,000c

    This next path I was reluctant to put in but I thought I'd give it a shot, if you guys don't like it I'm sure you'll let me know in which I'll take this one out or nerf it a bit.
    • Path 3 - Population (increases member cap)
      • Population I: 60 member limit (200,000,000c)
      • Population II: 70 member limit (400,000,000c)
      • Population III: 80 member limit (600,000,000c)
      • Population IV: 90 member limit (900,000,000c)
      • Population V: 100 member limit (1,200,000,000c)
    Total cost for path 3: 3,330,000,000c
    I delibrately made the cost for that one high to prevent entire companies from being dominated by one clan while allowing some room for growth if a clan is popular.
    • Path 4 - Resistance (affects damage taken from NPCs)
      • Resistance I: -5% damage (30,000,000c)
      • Resistance II: -10% damage (60,000,000c)
      • Resistance III: -15% damage (90,000,000c)
      • Resistance IV: -20% damage (120,000,000c)
      • Resiatance V: -25% damage (150,000,000c)
    Total cost for path 4: 450,000,000c
    • Path 5 - Cargo (Increases cargo space for all members)
      • Cargo I: +5% more cargo (10,000,000c)
      • Cargo II: +10% more cargo (20,000,000c)
      • Cargo III: +15% more cargo (30,000,000c)
      • Cargo IV: +20% more cargo (40,000,000c)
      • Cargo V: +25% more cargo (50,000,000c)
    Total cost for path 5: 150,000,000c
  2. Its a nice idea but credits is too much mate for the upgrade.
  3. I don't think that 1,200,000,000 is too much, in fact I think that it's too small of an upgrade cost. These upgrades/buffs are great and pretty useful, but the price should go up even more. I know people with Around 3,000,000,000 credits even more. Prices should be bumped up a ton since my 15 person clan can accumulate 200,000,000 +/- credits one day on 1% clan tax.
    Oracle and Blah like this.

    SS_HELIOS User

    That price is to allow a clan to hold 100 members. Chances are if a clan needs this upgrade then credits will not be an issue.

    This is a wonderful idea and it should be the next big change.
  5. It's a good way to get rid of some credits (which will indirectly lower bid prices).
    .ⵠ||GRIM||ⵠ. likes this.
  6. Blah

    Blah User

    No, too cheap and the buffs are too high.
  7. The prices are too cheap, other than that its good.
  8. Oh , i thought the credits of the clan leader is the one who gets reduced :3 lol
    But do we have to upgrade path 1,2,3,4 to upgrade path 5?
  9. The reason why I made the population upgrade path so expensive is because I'm basing it around a situation we got going on in GB2. There are some clans who are looking to grow but their growth potential is limited due to them already having 45+ members already. However over in MMO on the server there is a clan (I'm not saying which but anyone who plays GB2 will know who I'm on about) who has already dominated around 50-60% of the company already and that's without the population upgrade. The high costs are just a compromise.
    Do you mean all the buffs or any particular buffs?
    Yes you do. This is to prevent clans full of UEs from dominating the maps (especially with the Population upgrades) and gaining a massive advantage over everyone else too quickly since there are some clans out there who've practically got the entire Bank of England in their clan pot.
  10. Blah

    Blah User

    all the buffs... 25% extra rewards from npc? that means that ill be earning 1250uri per cube +prot uri. Take that into crazy cubi, a normal 100k uri from that would turn into 125k uri. 25% less dmg from npc is too powerfull too. And 1.2bil creds is NOT too much. That can be earned in less then one or two days from a powerful clan...
  11. Added stuff into the quote,

    May i also add another improvement to the ones i changed,

    You could upgrade it as much as you like, Same prices, but You choose a specific map but then the damage and EP and honor is the same, so if a clan chooses, 1-6 they get a damaged bonus on NPC in that map and they can upgrade that to level 5, like you say and get a reward, once thats at level 5, they can upgrade again and do it on another map, costly but fairer on the smaller clans, as the balance will become even more unpredictable.

    Another plan could be,

    Increase bonus box loot,

    Level 1, increases by 1% (50 million credits)
    Level 2, increases by 2% (100million credits)
    level 3, increases by 4% (150 mill) (Cannot get any higher than level 3,

    Total cost: 300 million credits.

  12. It's 20%, not 25%. 20% isn't that much. A kristallon gives 128 uri per kill, with Rewards V that would go to 153 uri (154 if DO rounds decimal numbers up) per kill which isn't a massive bonus.

    Counting all the rewards from a kristallon we'd have...

    491520 creds (up from 409600)
    153 uri (up from 128)
    61440 exp (up from 51200)
    307 hon (up from 256)

    They aren't massive increases, but they are enough to help people along.

    Yes I'll be increasing the rewards for this soon. I'm thinking 2bil for Population V (and the lower upgrades for it would have their prices raised as well.
    I was originally going to put a bonus box upgrade path in, but I figured it wouldn't be necessary since we have skills in the skill tree that allow us to get more from bonus boxes. Not to mention there's an AI protocol for the pet which increases the rewards of bonus boxes collected by the pet as well.
  13. The bonus box rewards would be good for newbies in the clan, all them protocols are expensive and the bio is a lot also..
  14. So you don't want people to earn more uridium?

    SS_HELIOS User

    The old darkorbit made noobs join clans and grow faster. The clan that could turn a noob into a pro the best was usually the biggest (not always the best). This would at least unite players if nothing else.
  16. ═╝ĀTØM╔═ , How about raising the price by 1.5 times then the normal price u set?
  17. whoeva

    whoeva User

    It's a well thought out idea that would bring more benefit to the clan system. I agree with many of the changes you've suggested such as the clan news being the default page rather than clan info and also making anonymous post impossibe.

    The member list used to be ordered by joining date then one day it was randomly changed without word to show those who logged in moved to the top. Very difficult for those who keep datasheets of clan members to update their ep progress for a payment system for example.

    The upgrades look interesting but I am pretty sure that if included BP would make them cost uridium lol

    My suggestion would be also to rework the tax system. Member should be able to set their own voluntary tax contribution in addition to a tax rate set by the clan as it is at the moment. Or instead of a forced tax on players accounts perhaps change the tax so it deducts a % of credits earned in the game?