New Auctions feedback thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Juturna, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Credit hack thats just typical , taking into consideration other game consoles look at xbox and playsation each console has the same problem for example GTA 5 it have people adding billions but some of them go unnoticed which can happen but they will get punished in due time its going to happen and when it does all they could get is it removed i think if someone cheats they should be reset as its fair on the rest of us but it has to be proved that they have cheat else innocent people will get wrongly accused as a cheater as i have had it my self being called a cheater does hurt yes and the most part of players are legit and most part are paying players and then you have the cheaters who WILL get caught because they will get too greedy but there has to be a line of what is classed as greedy and some people with billions they made that fairly and i see that and i just feel that the new auction is again overpowered like most of the stuff in dark orbit for example LF4's whats the point more damage that the rest of us say 20% of everyone that plays has full lf4s and bio who can kill them? not a damn lot of people can because they come out doing over 200k damage which is really overrpowered we need limits on what equipment can do but we just don't see them or have any effect on it the new auction looks good yes but 20 seconds for a bid to take hold when before it was a few seconds but thats the problem with the new auction everyone bids at the same time and it caps out on us all and we all get angry i feel more testing should have been done with a big group of testers pushing it to its limits and see what happens then you can get more of a bigger picture.

    Are you serious level related that like saying to go in enemy maps you need to be level 24 thats stupid because your ruling out everyone that finds it hard play this game and your saying they should be punished with not allowing to bid on something because they aren't the right level, how would you like it if dark orbit said you cant buy uridium till you get to lvl 20 what would you say i'd know what id say is your barking mad at saying to people you can bid on this because you need to be level 20 that would not be fair at all how about giving everyone a chance at getting something in real life auctions there proberly a age limit but never a skill limit its just outrageous
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 10, 2014
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  2. Most players just get a ban, yeah GTA5 people hacked a lot of money. And it got removed. On here, people are sneaky and DO is too dense to know how they do it, Simply turn tax on, hack credits in multiple accounts and there you go, or a clan simply has a lot of hacked credit players and did the same thing, then helped the noobs build up, it's unfair and ruins the game even more, DO has no where near made this game easy for the legit noobs to build up, i am shocked to even see new names in chat these days. which some of them give up quite easy with the same thing always said "Wow this game is so bad, and unfair"
  3. One issue I've noticed is that searching history with a filter applied sometimes does not produce a scroll bar which means some items are not visible. They appear below the cut off for the display. I don't know if this is a graphical error on my side but it keeps happening. Feel free to respond if you have similar issues or a solution
  4. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    Why was the amount of mines in the auction changed from 50 units to 10..? 1 insta shield or smartbomb an hour is basically nothing at all. Change it back thanks.
  5. i just wont the bid to be hiden u had to guess what the player bided like old auction
  6. solsi666-1

    solsi666-1 User

    hey, its ur problem that u paid for it... no1 made u do it, so dont attack the game developers...
  7. The PET really isn't that useful.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  8. We are missing a lot of things in auction since the dev said everything you could buy with uri would be in there so we are missing, Ship Hangars, Apis and Zeus, Booty keys, Tech items, PET, PET chips, Drone Formations.
  9. Um no, first off, they said MOST of it, they pointed out, Zeus and Apis WOULD NOT BE, they said Drone Formations and Pet/Pet equipment have a tiny chance. Tech items are 100% different from all the others, you get get them technically free in the first place, and why would they put ship hangers when they leave such an advantage in game if used the right way?
    Yes, pets are useful, 70% of the players wouldn't be here still if PET had not come out, i only play cause i get pet to work for me, why should i bust my chops in a game where 90% of the players i have to fight are botted UFEs and some WWs with nothing better to do then spend on a garbage game? And i'm not the only one who thinks that way.
    The game developers added all this crap to GET us to pay.
  10. moon1976

    moon1976 User

    Just a question this unsync is getting more rediculous, sometimes it is a 30 second lag time to the turn overs, sometimes it is a minute. In other words, not everyone in the game is getting an equal chance on bidding due to this problem, I mean alot of us wait till the last minute to post a bid. But when some players are able to view it real time, and other are not. How are they supposed to be competitive on it? Especially when on a refresh it shows you might have won the bid, but somehow you where out bid and your counter has restarted for the next hour, when the existing counter showed you had say 45 sec's still, and the browser didn't take but , what , like 5's to refresh ? It is a serious issue, and players are starting to complain about it.

    I did do a couple connection and speed tests from the U.S. to European locations, on two different tower builds side by side a my location. and the test showed about the same same speed for upload, and download times, with relatively low jitter.

    The secruity is the same, and there are two different operating systems involved. Yet both browsers have shown a different auction time. Player hardware and software issue? The evidence is proving not likley.
  11. ok you got me on the apis and zues but they did not ad anything of value, amber designs are useless, point out another one of there games which is almost an exact copy of this one they let them have free hangars, you dont get tech items technically free, if its "technically free". sure they added the new ships to the auction, and Goliath designs but other than that they did no major changes or add on in the auction worth calling the game "reloaded".
  12. when they put "reloaded"they mean new bots and cheats came out.. lol
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  13. This is a FREE GAME get over it.
    True LOL
  14. once all the ufe shps have all the stuff the prices will come down, but theres no way a fe player can bid against a ufe one,
    a blind auction, with 1 bid per item would be better
  15. UFE already have the stuff or items they just placed in the auction, mostly Fe players just biding for the stuff
  16. Lol.
    1: not all the UFE players have a ton of modules, or the skill designs, or the new ships.
    2: it is mostly NEW COMERS bidding because they abusing the credit hack.
  17. ship5678

    ship5678 User

    I like the New Auction better than the previous system. This system allows me to place a bid faster than I could on the other auction system. However I would like to see the P.E.T in the auction and the Apis and Zeus Drones in the Auction.
  18. You sound like a noob wanting it easy. As soon as PET, apis, zeus make their way in, say goodbye to thousands of players who busted their butts to get it, and say hello to a lot of lawsuits, cause some spent A LOT of money in order to get it all and DO is wasting it.
  19. New AUCTION page is rubbish . Don't agree with page shows the bids , BID and INSTANT BUY very close and it takes to long to place the bid . The worst thing is that some of us did spend fortune on designs and now you can get them with credits on trade , this is p*** taking ( talking over 2 mill uri on designs ). They might aswell put LF-4 on trade now and make us feel silly for spending average 120 k uri on booty keys to get 1 LF-4 .
    The only thing I ask is for the DO to keep the balance and BP should put the price of Uri down . Ta .
  20. WHO GIVES A CRAP about you guys spending money it was your choice. No one forced you to spend the cash to get designs. Sound like you all just angry for not waiting. Micropayment options in a game is to obtain items BEFORE other people and at a FASTER rate. so before auction you either had to save 250k uri, buy for 46$, or buy all of then in 100$ package. Micropayment is not supposed to make it impossible for players to get items in a reasonable amount of time. EVERYONE form the new people at lvl 1 is supposed to be able to get items with out taking years, that's not how you do micropayment by almost making it needing to get items. You should have not bothered buying it if it was gonna be that hard for you.
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