Add Palladium to Skylab

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by °°°)))Basch(((°°°, Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Considering palladium is only good for gate spins, I think this idea is a little off the wall.

    This is a game that requires work and effort. This game is not designed to take the tack that everything should be handed to a player.
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Terrible idea -1

    We already get a gg spin each day we log in.
  3. Oh, and a GG spin a day gets you so far.
  4. This is a brilliant idea!

    When the Pirate Maps were introduced, there were three Galaxy Gates. These GGs weren't vital to the strength of one's Ship, and it didn't affect one's ability to play (aside from Ammunition).

    Anyway, six more gates (not counting GG Kronos) have been added since then, and at least two of them are vital to one's Ship strength, and one's ability to play, yet the amount of Galaxy Gate Spins able to be earned in a single day hasn't changed. Where does that leave us?

    It leaves us spending over twelve months trying to catch up with everyone else. Twelve whole months. I've heard of patience, but we want to PvP now, not next year.

    EDIT: As for the daily reward, I think it should be increased too. Just going to pull the number 50 out of my hat. It may be too much, but I'm sure the development team can refine it to something more appropriate if that's the case.
  5. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Big NO! palladium is unique for being located on the pirate maps. Adding it to skylab will be a total farce for what is was meant for.
    Simply get a decent ship, decent speed, a pet, locator, enough ep to go to pirate maps and pally. Thats not too much and as boring as it may be there is no alternative to get pally.
    if you dont want to bore yourself, earn uridium and spend it on gg spins.
    Also note that the purpose of skylab is to obtain an ample supply of seprom which is used for boosting weapons and for pilot points. That is the essence of the skylab. there are other smaller uses (prom for credits, sending ore for quests) but nothing as absurd as having a palladium stockpile. Xenomit was minimised from skylab to prevent players from farming xeno. also note that prometium, endurium and terbium are collected by skylab modules because they are available on home maps of a company.
    Palladium is not!

    In general, the skylabs purpose lies elsewhere rather than to provide players with a surplus of rare resources(palladium).
    and no, seprom isnt rare, some gg aliens drop it too. (before some genius says "seproms rare")
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Every one needs Gates these days.

    If do was to put a palli producer in the skylab, they may as well put a uri tree to produce uridium, in there also

    It is sad that we are already seeing badly thought out suggestion in this section. :(
  7. No i don't like this idea. The reason being is that people could be able to send large amounts of palladium to their ships at once and not have to pally and would leave pirate maps empty. Also 5-3 is also classed as a PvP map.
  8. Adding Palladium to skylab will just make people more lazy, and they will just mouche more off of skylab
  9. Yes:
    • 1 gate a week is nothing for a ufe but it sure is something for a noob and it can help them out big time.
    • other option for them is to pally which they'd probably get shot down straight away.
    • Although it decreases the amount of work, time and effort put in for their gates, it gives the noobs an advantage. Its only getting harder for them and they need this handicap.
    • Although it may seem like not much, the ufes and stronger pilots are still getting the advantage. It may not have as big of an impact as it does on noobs but it still means that really, there is no handicap.
    • We already have palladium .
    Obviously it wont be put on game because it means people will spend less uri on gates and less uri means less cash for bigpoint. But my arguments for it have outweighed my arguments against it.
    Great idea though!
  10. Yes couldn't agree more. People would just never pally and they would just rely on their skylab to open galaxy gates
    APOLLO[SKE★] likes this.
  11. Thanks i am liking your response :)
    ĐÏΔMØÑЧ likes this.
  12. No this is terrible idea. You have to work hard to earn something. I collect Palla like 3-4 hours when online. So, why pity on the newbies as we have work hard to earn Palla. Let them work hard too :rolleyes:

    -1 for me :cool:
  13. I find it funny how most of you are complaining about the need for hard work. And I agree. But we're not suggesting this refinery pumps out 4000+ palladium an hour. We're suggesting around 31.5 an hour, or 750 per day. 50 spins. I would still pally every day, even with this refinery added.
  14. I still think that's a bad idea because if you don't play the game you don't get anything so if your on the backpage for weeks and never play the game then you could just send 50 spins a day and then 50x7=350 spins every week and so on. It will also make the pirate maps empty and useless and everyone would become lazy.
  15. +1 my good man
  16. I think you're the worst judge of character... EVER. I highly doubt people would become lazy with that many spins a week. I know for sure I would NEVER do that. 350 spins a week? That's terrible! That's two and half hours of pallying. I feel like you just don't like the idea of getting something else for free. For gods sake, we both know they're never doing this. But be realistic! How many people do you think will actually leave the pally fields due to a palladium module in the skylab? My guess is around 1-2. Or 0.

    EDIT: corrected typo
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  17. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    sorry, just one thing, 350 spins in half an hour is beyond a miracle :) If i could do that, I would call myself pallywarrior. But I agree with your point.
  18. I'm sorry, I guess that was a typo. I was talking about 50 spins in half an hour. I average around 1,500 an hour.
  19. Half Hour are you kidding, thats 52,500 Palladium, thats 1,750 Palladium a Minute, or 30 a Second, please don't spew verbal... out, Also don't lie on forums just makes you look dumb
  20. its got to be a no people wouldnt bother going into palla just let the skype lab do it even though its 266 a day palla would be dead and would render the map useless apart from the odd noob