how to lower price in auction

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROULOUS___HELLAS, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. are you realy waiting for a solution to lower auction prices?
    we are so pathetic indeed
    WE control auction
    WE from our selfs can lower the prices there
    STOP give bilions of credits for just 1 item

    that is the only way
    that is my proposal

    i need spearhead elite
    i will NOT give 400 milion to get it ... i will wait to get it with a normal price
    plz all .. help auction
  2. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Just wait it out until all those that are prepared to pay 400 m or more have got it. Once they have the prices will come down ;)
  3. i will my friend ... i will
  4. yeah the new-ness of the new auction system will wear off. Eventually the designs and ships and stuff will become more common and less in demand. They did ballance the avaliability by making certain things only up for grabs once a day or once a week though. That limits it.

    If you want to keep prices down on items just wait until the last second to bet. Betting early on only drives the price up because there pretty much is always going to be someone that sees it and figures that they could bet more. Waiting for the last second leaves it up in the air, and relative to the current price.

    For example:

    Within the first 10 minutes of an hourly auction someone bets 20 million for an lf3. That's a pretty reasonable price, but everybody else seems to think so also, which means by the time 40 more minutes have gone by the price is up to 25-30 M. Now the final price is going to be higher than that no matter what. It's pretty rare to have someone not watching and placing final bets within the last minute. once the final bets are placed it could go for as high as 40 M, twice as much as it started for.

    On the other hand...

    Within the first 10 minutes of an hourly auction someone bets 5 mill. That is a very good starting price. By the time 40 more minutes have gone by it's up to 10-15 M. It's apparent at this point that the final price will be good and low no matter what, so that guy that really could drop 50 million on it and is willing to do so really doesn't need to. It ends up going for 20-25 or perhaps even lower.

    Betting in the last few seconds is optimal for everyone.
  5. that is a NICE advice i guess
    well done:)
  6. atimacho

    atimacho User

    they must hide the highest bid, and it will be OK...
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  7. If you really wanna lower bid prices than make it so you don't get your credits back if you lose the auction.
  8. This is a pretty good solution, but abusers could troll others players and outbid them knowing how much they will lose.
  9. Make it so that it doesn't show highest bid then.
  10. um no that is not how actual auctions work i the first let. It also would not lower prices because people would once again raise them even higher in threat of loosing 1 billion + credits.
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  11. Make it so you can't see current bids and get rid of credit cheats, simple ;).
  12. Then why we're the bid prices alot lower before the auction update where you get your credits back if you lose?
  13. That makes auction prices go UP senor. If I don't know that my 300 mil on the spearhead is gonna win, I'll be afraid of losin 300mil for nothing, so I'll bid 600mil to make SURE no one outbids me. Savvy? It's good that we get our credits back. I remember bidding 120mil on iris's to make sure I won...not like that now.
  14. But if you lose your 600mil, you won't be able to use to it bid again.
  15. True, but the next time I bid, I'll be bidding 800mil to make sure I get it. I was around when auction was trade and prices have gone down on most items since we started getting our credits back...also it is called an "auction" Whoever wins must pay. If you get outbid, you're not supposed to lose your cash.
    Edit: This also helps noobs get out of the starting stage faster.
  16. Ok, so you lose 600mil and you plan on bidding 800mil later on. Do you have any idea how long it takes to make 800mil?? And how does this auction help noobs, the prices for everything in the new auction are sky high.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  17. In my experience in DO, the potential loss of money made auctions lower. There was a major spike in bidding prices when everyone was guaranteed their credits.

    Essentially, you used to either bid an outrageously high amount or you bid a small, recoverable amount. More often than not I always bid a reasonable price that I could recover from if I lost. I never went all out and bid >100 million on anything.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  18. Next-Rise

    Next-Rise User

    Yes as stated above, the auction prices will die down in a few months once all of the ufe players are satisfied with their new items in their 10 hangers. Why they need that many with each ship and design I am not sure, but we will be able to win those bids for 100 million soon enough.
  19. How about set it at a starting bid of 10,000 credits, and each time someone clicks bid, it goes up 10,000. However, they can only click bid if they've been outbid or if they haven't bid on the item.
  20. Why is this in Update & Idea Pool section? It's more like a rant thread.​
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