Upcoming events

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Shᴏᴐᴋᴡᴧᴠᴇ, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. On the new home page, it has a section for upcoming events.
    However, there are still updates on the "Event Announcements" part of the forumn.
    I've noticed they both have different events to each other so which source are we meant to rely on?
  2. The one in-game i would say is most accurate
  3. There is no mention of Santa Bot - all day in the in-game. I feel sorry for the CTB players running into Santa Bot lest U are not carrying a beacon.
  4. I was one of those people :(
  5. I hate not knowing when it isn't on, I was running from a group of enemies today and got zapped... it didn't end well.
  6. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello Shᴏᴐᴋᴡᴧᴠᴇ

    It depends on the type of event. Some events are announced in the game panel, however others are advertised in the Forums (especially in cases where more information may be needed). The events displayed ingame are those which typically cycle around on a rough weekly basis - we still recommend checking both locations for all of the information available.

    Do you have further questions?