Gifting to other accounts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =MANTICORE=, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Maybe a solution would be paying your money INTO a clan coffer. Instead of just waiting around with the tax system. Make investments into the clan.

    VESPID User

    That sounds cool.
  3. people could quite easily break the bidding system by turning up clan tax and giving it one person, your point is stupid and wrong
  4. Blah

    Blah User

    I think u should limit it to 5k uri and 10mil credits and stuff like lf3 or bo2. U should change it so people could gift every 100hours to make up for the limit. That way it will be fair so people cant abuse the system like turning up clan tax or giving people a lot of uri becuz they are ue and don't need that much.
  5. Next-Rise

    Next-Rise User

    I agree with this idea, although I would say that the limits should be reduced to around 100 million credits and 500k uri to prevent overpowered accounts. And then the time limit could maybe be reduced to 800 hours in game cause 1,000 is quite a bit of time. But other wise love the idea, oh and you probably shouldn't be allowed to gift things like pets, gate parts, or hanger spaces.
  6. I think 1000 in-game hours is WAY too much. I played DarkOrbit for over 4 years in a server and I BARELY spent a total of 500 in-game hours!:confused:
    I suggest every 100 in-game hours instead. :)

    I mean come on, people! (no offence) Who would play 24 hours straight every day?
    Even if Manticore meant 1000 real time hours, you still have to wait approximately 1.5 months to send!!! First of all average days in a month is around 30 days so:
    30 * 1.5 = 45 days
    there's 24 hours in a day, so: 24 * 45 = 1080 hours

    So in other words we can only send an item/credits/uridium every 1.5 months! :eek:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  7. Hello there all the English forum :D.Soo im new here and ill write sometime here opinion on some ideas... and here's the first one.

    My idea may sound a bit stupid,here it is - make the transfer available like the Mega Happy hour - able to transfer in a 24H limit every week :)

    Although i like the idea.I've been discussing this with my clan mates as just an idea and we all were like "Um yea cool idea" but in the Bulgarian forum it was never suggested.So if that's being added - i do agree.That also could be used as helping between clan mates and such :).
  8. Strongly a
    Strongly Agreed:)
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Except you just agreed with someone who didn't read the idea and what he said is not possible.
    The accounts must have considerable playing time, 500 hours was the suggested time, to send their FIRST gift. Read the whole idea don't just jump to conclusions ...
  10. I read the whole idea ok?Anyway this trick is still possible. Think of what you will be doing when this happen.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You clearly didn't, ok? It's not hard to understand:

    Accounts need 500 hours to send their first gift.
    New accounts have 0 hours played and so cannot send a gift.

    Now you tell me, how is it possible for a brand new account to send a gift?
  12. I like this idea although i do not like the idea of the second part of the 500 hours 1000 hours and so on.
  13. Just make it by payment only and then you don't have to deal with all of these silly restrictions.

    I don't think devs would go for it anyway, unless it was by payment
  14. Excellent idea. The balances are well thought. For those who think 500 hours is a lot...well, guess you've never afk pallied before. The gift price limits are well set. 1mil uri is not an extravagant amount and 100mil credits is just a few bids(depending on what you're going for). I really like this and would love to use it.
    Making it by payment only restricts more than half the players from using it period.
  15. But the point of the gift would be to help those that cannot purchase for themselves, which means everyone would benefit from it