Loading.. But no START button.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pip.., Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. pip..

    pip.. User

    I wonder if we get compensation...
  2. ramnik

    ramnik User

    OR MAYBE this is another April fools prank from BP??? :p
  3. i posted a thread about that just now pip :)
  4. carl002

    carl002 User

    there's about 30 ppl logged on GB1 atm, just asked as someone in our house as there still logged in, had them try and raise a mod on gb1 none there, CM_Poseidon was there but advised to clear flash ect.. then vanished.
    i have also tried raising a mod on west 1 and east 1 but no mods about by the looks of it. not much else i can do i've tried everything i can but no joy just play something else then i guess :/
  5. Bolt

    Bolt User

    Same, can't log in.
  6. Phew! I was having technical issues with my computed and spent 3 hours fixing it, after a sigh of relief i played victory music and logged onto darkorbit, when the loading screen didn't load fully i really worried that i disabled or messed something on my computer up, got really mad at myself, lmao this is a relief to know it's another DO thing.
  7. carl002

    carl002 User

    no you didn't lol, i managed to get someone to ask CM_posseidon to report the issue so hopefully it'll be sorted soon
  8. why is no mod replieing to any threads at all?
  9. Oracle

    Oracle User

    they still havent replied to mine.They might be off or they dont want to.
    anyways the glitch happens to me too(And a Lot of Gb1 Players)Its not only you m8


  10. i am on global europe 1 and i logged out and now its been 3 hours i cant log back in
    its on 99 percent loading wont go green
  11. We are getting compensation woop Crazy Cubes all day tomorrow!
  12. -Willows-

    -Willows- User

    qq all qq QQ
    .USS.Goliath. likes this.
  13. QQ
  14. Bolt

    Bolt User

    what kind of compensation?
  15. Doesn't my post describe it
  16. -Willows-

    -Willows- User

    u get a new title :) called QQ April Fools
  17. willows is the fool of every april well on days ending in Y
    Seraphim likes this.
  18. -Willows-

    -Willows- User

    What days end in Y ? i cant think of any :p
  19. everyday fool xD
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