Loading.. But no START button.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pip.., Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. Bolt

    Bolt User

    oh, what's crazy cubes?:p I'm not even on tomorrow
  2. Christmas eve doesn't
  3. Chinch

    Chinch User

    Come on mods, theres a problem explain. This has got to be the most activity the forums have seen in a while so you should be able to notice there is a problem in game
  4. Bolt

    Bolt User

    Missing Invasion now lel
  5. on another note WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?!?!?!
  6. STO!!!
    I am doing exactly the same thing lmao
  7. -Willows-

    -Willows- User

    It says
    A-hee-ahee ha-hee!
    and what ever else it wants to say really. qq
  8. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Just thought I'd add my name to the list. GB1 Start fills, but does not turn green.
  9. Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!
  10. Compulsive lot you are!
  11. same here, page loads but stays there, will not turn green
  12. Zynpops!!!!
  13. Darkorbit just ignoring us
  14. Bolt

    Bolt User

    Darkorbit needs fixing seriously this stuff happens too often and for too long.
  15. ramnik

    ramnik User

    So what about bases on GB1 lmao, if no one on to put shileds down, what then :p Hope all them bases pop especially one in 3-6 :p
  16. ppl are getting on cos invasion score going up but many trys still not on :(
  17. Sky-Chase

    Sky-Chase User

    Probs a bug going of on something last time it happened it took like a few days not sure how long it'll take now just be patient just play something else while they fix it...
  18. anyone got any response from support how can people be playing if no one can get on
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