Increase probability booty rewards in boss and uber

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by «●»CØŁØŠŠUŠ«●», Mar 30, 2014.

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  1. We all know that sometimes the aliens, normal, uber or boss that they release a pirate booty chest.
    Well, my suggestion is as follows:

    Whenever you destroy an alien Boss, and it releases a chest, the probability of finding rare items such as LF-4, UAV Apis, Zeus or Goliath Design, is higher than a chest found around the maps or in normal aliens. Boss and uber streuner and lordakia are excluded.

    Even with uber aliens there is this treatment: the probability of receiving rare items in chests will be much higher than chests in the map and aliens Boss. Boss and uber streuner and lordakia are excluded
  2. I totally agree. I'm tired of grabbing boxes from UBK's and Cubes only to get ammo and other useless junk and then finding out that someone just found an LF-4 in 2-2.
    CURVY likes this.
  3. CURVY

    CURVY User

    I agree, i am more likely to pick up a booty in a UBK and cube, but the ones i do pick up are rubbish. the only hope i have and the only time i do use the keys is during the zeus event, which by far pays better than the normal green boxes.
  4. I agree but idk it was hard for me to get all my lf4s why should it be easy for new people?

    lf3 makes the game fine
    lf4 are to keep you playing and getting lost of stuff.
    The game is easy enouhg idk why you all think is hard.
    you dont need to spend money, but spent your time wisely not just doing stupidities in the game thats why you all think is hard but is not.
  5. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    I agree with most of what is posted. i dont think it should be easy of the rookies just coming on. It was not easy for those of us that came before. But hey, with a little hard work, some time invested and playing smart. Anyone can run with the big boys in a short amount of time.
  6. Okay, so LF4 chances will remain the same but Apis, Zeus, Ship Designs, other Elite items, and CBS Modules will have a slight increase.
  7. Ok lf-4 chances should be increased everyone who is blabing about it being easy for new players please wake up new players cant even pop most boss and ubers first of all even if they do buya a full elite ship when they first start playing secondly there are almost no new players, so that is irrelevant the people who have been playing since the lf-4 came out still do not have complete lf-4s. Which is the reason this idea was suggested.
    sirpwnsalot34 and -oversoulpaul- like this.
  8. haha i see you are referring to some of us..
    new players shouldnt be popping boss or uber. and to let you know a ship fe that means all lf4 and iris are capable of killing any uber or boss. We all went trhough that there wasnt lf4s back then, so killing an ubk was pretty hard but pissible.

    the reason because they dont have all the lf4s is because they dont know how to spend their uridium wisely. I use around 4-6 milllion uri to have my 31 lf4s so getting that ammount of uri is possible even in 2 months! without paying a cent!
  9. CURVY

    CURVY User

    on our server fe is full lf3 and all the basic elite equipment required, we then have ufe (uberfe) which is full lf4 drone designs, formations, level 16 upgrades. e.t.c so you would agree that it would take a fe ( by my classification ) a hell of a lot of hard work to kill one uber in 4-5? solo. to a fe, a ubk is practically impossible, and you may say that they should gain experience of circling... have you tried to do a solo ubk x1 with 2026 and ecos? with 20 odd other npc following you while you circle almost all the time getting shot by the ubk 35k? its near on impossible. but this is straying from the op's suggestion, he's saying that the boxes dropped by this ubk should have an elevated chance of lf4 and other goodies, which sounds sensible because after all that hard work you want to be rewarded at the end right? it makes no sense in having a booty box at the end of an npc kill with the same chances of elite items as a booty box found with no effort whatsoever.
    sirpwnsalot34 and TheTaser(V) like this.
  10. LOL possible to get 4-6mill Uri in to months without paying if that was possible everyone would be UFE rather than FE. It is not the issue of not having all LF-4 because they dont "spend uri wisely" it is because BP does not give almost anyone knowledge to spend it wisely lf-4 double days are random your not getting them without those days and more issues i wont type about. Also soloing a UBk with x-1 ammo in 4-5 aahahha yove 24ur funny. I cant even solo a dam Uber sib in 4-5 and i have 24 pp just because enemies alone. Almost no FE player can solo a UBK now there range to far almost the same as your laser range they hit spikes up to 70k and they take nearly no hp dmg through shields.

    Also as you stated new players should not be poping Ubers and bosses exactly what i mean so how us changing the booty box chances going to help them if you need to kill the uber and bosses to get the dang box?

    You got exactly my point it nearly impossible to circle UBK now including enemies and what not with x-2
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  11. I think you either don't play the game, is a massive troll, or just is plain insane. I'm glad you can go get your 6mil uri every two months(100k per day)...that's nice. The rest of us sane people are happy with our 15k per day on a good day. I was just playing with my fe buddy and he was ecstatic about making 10k uri before he had to get off. HE ALREADY IS FE! It's stinkin' hard for us to earn uri, not easy. I don't play that often, but when I do, I make it count.(which takes hours of playtime)
    This idea is good because I personally hate having a booty chest dropped by npcs. If it had a raised probability(not 1%) I might actually go get a key and open it. As it is right now, the only time I ever use keys is zeus day, because that is the only time it is kind of worth it.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  12. It's that kind of attitude that made the game the crappy ass disaster it is today. The game is easy if you feel like devoting a chunk of your life to pallying/boxing/bking. Other then that the game isn't easy.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  13. i dont have the time to read all of that...

    but excuse me? you might be too noob not be capable of killing a ubk with a fe ship.
    And if you say impossible, tell me how did we use to kill them before when there as not lf4s nor upgrades?
    the game is already easy
    the problem is you all dont know how to save ur uridium.. thats all you are all complaining about.

    All you are saying is " Make it easier for us, because the people that worked hard before already have them, so we have to catch up"
    seriously? i dont think so..

    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] said:
    It's that kind of attitude that made the game the crappy ass disaster it is today. The game is easy if you feel like devoting a chunk of your life to pallying/boxing/bking. Other then that the game isn't easy.
    hahaha, then what do you want? just be killing ships having fun and getting lf4s out of no where? then what is the purpose of having aliens and so many maps?
    its a game get over it
    things are hard because this game gives money away too..

    TheTaser(V) said:
    I think you either don't play the game, is a massive troll, or just is plain insane. I'm glad you can go get your 6mil uri every two months(100k per day)...that's nice. The rest of us sane people are happy with our 15k per day on a good day. I was just playing with my fe buddy and he was ecstatic about making 10k uri before he had to get off. HE ALREADY IS FE! It's stinkin' hard for us to earn uri, not easy. I don't play that often, but when I do, I make it count.(which takes hours of playtime)
    This idea is good because I personally hate having a booty chest dropped by npcs. If it had a raised probability(not 1%) I might actually go get a key and open it. As it is right now, the only time I ever use keys is zeus day, because that is the only time it is kind of worth it.
    really omg! you are all totally noobs or as u said " you dont play the game" xD

    incredible seriously...

    I can make at least 10 k in an hour with only my pet checking my ship every 20 min. cuz i dont have time to play i got homework to do and stuff.

    15k a day omg hahaha I will laugh at that seriously
    I know people that in one day make around 130 k but ofcourse they play around 6 hours straight just to have ammo for tomorrow and have fun...

    you are the one that does not know how to play this game.. lool

    ψβΙδ☣ΗαΖαRDψ said:
    LOL possible to get 4-6mill Uri in to months without paying if that was possible everyone would be UFE rather than FE. It is not the issue of not having all LF-4 because they dont "spend uri wisely" it is because BP does not give almost anyone knowledge to spend it wisely lf-4 double days are random your not getting them without those days and more issues i wont type about. Also soloing a UBk with x-1 ammo in 4-5 aahahha yove 24ur funny. I cant even solo a dam Uber sib in 4-5 and i have 24 pp just because enemies alone. Almost no FE player can solo a UBK now there range to far almost the same as your laser range they hit spikes up to 70k and they take nearly no hp dmg through shields.

    Also as you stated new players should not be poping Ubers and bosses exactly what i mean so how us changing the booty box chances going to help them if you need to kill the uber and bosses to get the dang box?

    You got exactly my point it nearly impossible to circle UBK now including enemies and what not with x-2
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    btw a person who makes that much uridium per month shouldnt even be touching x1

    I do this without even moving my ship from one spot yes i check it every 20 min so it wont disconnect..

    but ima be honest its been 5 months since I stopped using x1 i dont even use x2 i do my gg with x3 which i never run out.

    I have almost 4 millions of x2 and use it never...

    but o well you know what i wont say anything else, cuz theres a saying "dont say everything you know"

    btw they dont want to be ufe cuz you dont want otherwise they would.
    i wanted to be ufe but didnt want to wait so yeah ;)
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 4, 2014
  14. You got the wrong saying on this one i think the correct one would be "Dont say anything when you do not know anything". Secondly do not triple post you can add quotes to your post by clicking the "reply" to a person multiple times for multiple people.

    Thirdly your point on people who make that much uri not touching x-2 is true but guess what if everyone made that much uri once again this idea would not be needed but since we do not live in a fantasy were everyone makes 4mill + uri in two or so months so that means your arguments are invalid and the logic you wrotte this post you have made i am afraid do not exist in this game or the real world.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  15. CURVY

    CURVY User

    Back in the day the ubk did not have as much range... was easier to circle e.t.c it has become harder with almost no 'sweet spot' to circle it now, if you want, you can post a video of someone who has done a ubk 'easily' within the last few weeks or so, with x1 of course. because it sure is not easy.

    But do you agree, that the logic behind working for a booty box should give a better chance of elite items, than one that you find just roaming the maps? surely you must agree with me on that one.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  16. First of everything no one in this days would go kill a ubk with x1 is pathetic. I dont spend in the game anymore maybe 20 bucks every 2 months or so. N i never run out of ammo not even I run out of x4.

    and yes i would say yeah i agree but the problem is that it should not be easy its easy already, you are all complaining about not getting lf4s but u waste ur uridium in cloaks and all that fun stuff? really? just to let you all know, I took my time and even when i got the 34 lf4s I did not go and bought ammo and stuff i waited one more month and got everything i needed and now im ufe and guess what i can buy everything i want because i learned how easy this game is.
  17. CURVY

    CURVY User

    The game is easy at the moment yes, and i am not complaining, i am simply agreeing with the idea that a box which is worked for, should have a higher percentage? the UBK was just an example, it could come from a bsk with a 5% increase to the previous chance, e.g. it was 1% now it is 1.05% e.t.c something like that. and maybe 20% with ubk
  18. hahahaha nice!
    actually my saying is totally correct you are the one misunderstanding. but wont say further info about that.
    secondly let the admins do their jobs ok?

    Now that logic does not exist in YOU nor on your friends. All of us in my server know this and guess what they make their ships pretty fast, they make a decent ship with 20 lf4s in a short time. OBVIOUSLY WORKING HARD. you all dont know how to thats why you complain too much.
    I have a friend that kills bks ubks and everything with x4 why? because he knows how to make uridium and maybe i think the most he would spend is 20 every two months wich for everyone in the united states that has a computer should be easy to get if not then how the hell they have a computer?

    you get that? you all are complaining because you dont know. And I was exactly saying what you all are saying right now. but now that i know this i think you complain too much.

    CURVY said:
    The game is easy at the moment yes, and i am not complaining, i am simply agreeing with the idea that a box which is worked for, should have a higher percentage? the UBK was just an example, it could come from a bsk with a 5% increase to the previous chance, e.g. it was 1% now it is 1.05% e.t.c something like that. and maybe 20% with ubk
    I understand what you are trying to tell me. The problem is think about the veteran players?
    let me give u an example.
    lets say you are going into a football, basketball, soccer , or any team. And you worked your butt off to get into the team.
    lets say some people leaves the team.
    Now the couch is letting anyone get into the team how would you feel?
    you worked hard to get into it but now 3 months later they let anyone get into the team and you get to the point that the couch says everyone has to play so instead of playing 30 mins of the game for working hard you play 10 mins of the game for working hard and the people who did not work hard plays one more minute than you.
    it is not fair right?
    i think you should understand is not about making it harder is about people owning their stuff.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 4, 2014
  19. CURVY

    CURVY User

    i see your point of view, which is the other side of the debate :p yes it would be unfair to the players that worked mighty hard ( or spent lots of cash) but then again, think how rare it is now to get an lf4, increasing it slightly for a booty box obtained from an npc which is not killed very often, won't do much harm in the balance of things right? thinking realistically, how many fe's (by my classification ) using elite ammo could sustain a chain of subsequent killing of lets say a ubk, to get that one luck chance out of lets say 10 ubks to get a botty box, to then have a low chance then? the maths is still stacked heavily against them to get an lf4 or full apis. but as you put it, it's still making it easier for them, so who knows. :p
  20. Using x-4 to kill UBKs well thats a waste of ammo, IF you actually do have x-4 to use which regular FE players dont have much anyhow let alone to use on Ubers.
    If i complain to much then why are developers trying to "reload" darkorbit, because they realize they are killing it. You cant add REMOVED to a game with a 1-25% succes rate of getting it then mking a person need 30-40 of the items and then have it directly effect PvP. People do not like playing games where they have no chanceof getting anything without money or working for years its a game you are not Supposed to work farm maybe yeah people farm a lot in games but DO is beyond farming.
    I am a Veteran player you statement about "Think of how Veteran players feel" come off it most of the veterans still are not UFE themselves. WHat is your idea of a veteran player. Free players who have played some time, Players That spend any amount monthly, Players that use to spend but stoped? Also i could argue the same thing, What about veteran players? how would you feel if a person just brought there way onto the football team? how would this make you feel?
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    Last edited by moderator: Apr 16, 2014
    TheTaser(V) and -oversoulpaul- like this.