1.5x credit ammo

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by JohnSmithExtraSmooth, Apr 2, 2014.

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  1. people have rejected the idea of having x2 ammo for credits (which i can kinda understant although no-one is spinning GG for the x2 ammo lolso its not a big deal) so i suggest;

    1.5 x dmg ammo for
    35 credits per ammo
    nuff said :)
  2. JohnSmithExtraSmooth , your idea is pretty good but if there are a 1.5 x ammo the 1x ammo would just been trashed by the players since they will buy the 1.5x ammo.
  3. but at that price its not much profit i think, not sure with cargoes added into it, maybe 40-50 creds per ammo even
  4. No one will buy 1x if have 1.5 . NO From me :)
  5. I think that price is some what good.

    If you compare it to rockets prices.
    R-310 = 1K Dmg = 100Kr/pcs
    PLT-2026 = 2K Dmg = 500Kr/pcs
    Meaning that PLT 2026 is 3,75x more expensive than R-310

    So compared to this, optimal price for x1,5 ammo would be 37 or 38 Kredits/pcs

    That maybe true.
    But same goes to R-310, and PLT-2026 already exists.

    I think x1 lasers should be like R-310
    Good ammo for start, and when you have more to spend, buy more expensive, but little more effective ammo.
    In this case x1,5

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Tarron and ^_The-spartan_^ like this.
  6. Yup
  7. AGREED !! :):)

  8. -AdamantiumDragon- , Hmmmm ok.
  9. ♥♥♥

    ♥♥♥ User

    +1 long overdue for some credit damage lol
  10. I suggested earlier that X-2 be a credit ammo and replaced in the Galaxy Gate with other items.:cool:
    Tarron and -AdamantiumDragon- like this.
  11. You already have it o_O -.1 + 1 dmg ammo + seprom 60% = 1.5x dmg / ammo (actually 1.6x) enjoy :p

    If we get 1.5x ammo then it becomes / 2.1x dmg ammo with sep or 1.8 dmg with prom
  12. Make it fot 55 Creds