Little event idea

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Darkomaani., Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Thought about an event where everyone could participate. No need for UFE account. Full speed generators will give you advantage but they are not a must.


    How about an event where would randomly appear objects in random maps and the first player to find the object wins? Spawn system would be similar to Ice Meteors.

    "An object appeared on 3-4, go and find it before anyone else does"
    In 3-4 there would be protegit sized object flying around the map cloaked with a speed of 650 (spearhead goes max 588 with prom). It would be visible on minimap like a cloaked enemy player. You have to be close enough to see it.
    Neutral zone would be covering the whole map where object is so noobs will have equal chance of finding it as the UFE's.
    Object would have 1 hp and 0 shield.
    * cannot be uncloaked with emp/mines
    * orange dot in minimap

    When one is destroyed a new one will appear on another map. Neutral zone will be turned off immediately when the object is destroyed, and gets turned on immediately when it spawns on a certain map.

    Rewards should be something great, this would be a max once in a month event.
    I was thinking about minimum 25k uridium, 200 gate spins and 50 million credits for each destroyed object.
    Anyone who would manage to destroy even one of these would be a very lucky person. And remember, jump CPU has cooldown so when one is destroyed the searchers cannot get to the next one immediately.

    This would be something to really give exitement to everyone.

    And... there would be boxes that give jump credits during the event so noobs would have them too.

    And remember... When someone notices the object the chance of destroying it will be extremely low, getting a lock on to a something so small and fast and invisible would be very hard. 100 players trying it, 1 succeeding.

    I guess this is all... what do you think o_O
    ship5678 likes this.
  2. ship5678

    ship5678 User

    I like the idea , but however I think the aliens should do damage and have more hp
  3. Blah

    Blah User

    uh they could use pet locator with radar, then use emp and slow down rocket. The rewards way too high make it 5k uri per thing at the most, and 50 gate spins and 10mil creds. Otherwise ufes would go from map to map and earn like 1 mil uri during the event.
  4. P.E.T locator with full radars will make it a piece o' cake for the U.F.E players, also for those with a Spearhead ship.

    Rewards too high as well. Nope.​
  5. PET locator would not find it and emp would not uncloak it.
    And slow down rockets are useless when you can just shoot it immediately if you just manage to get a lock on.

    Have you experienced how hard is it to lock on into cloaked spearhead going full speed around you? This would be even more harder because it would be faster and smaller.

    And to rewards... we already have mod vs players event some times where rewards from killing a mod are equal to this one. Only difference is that noobs would have a chance in this and getting a kill would be much more harder.
  6. The uridium reward for each mod kill is 20k uridium. And I don't think a single player would manage EACH AND EVERY mod's kill, and I doubt even that would sum upto 1 million uridium.

    Just a bad idea. That's my opinion.​
  7. ship5678

    ship5678 User

    The rewards are a little high for the alien type your proposing. However I would propose varying uridum levels based on the alien type