Compensation Package Disgrace

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .-ŚìζvєŖ†βuζζєT-., Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. I made & posted a thread this evening called
    . I would like to know what has happened to it & if it was removed, why was it removed?

    Are you trying to force to players to accept everything that DO & Bigpoint do without questioning it?

    The compensaion package offered is indeed a total disgrace. What seems to have been overlooked is the period of time the server was down .. & it is your Server that you use, not ours?

    5% extra honor & 5% extra EP for a period of 24 hours. Now, let's do the maths on this one. A lot of players lost well over 24 hours - that is 24 hours for which they would have been 95% more honor & 95% more EP. Not to mention the credits, uridium & galaxy gate spins they could have made.

    I have premium & go around using my kami a lot to pop npcs in bunches as well as collecting bonus boxes. I do spaceball & invariably make over 500 spins & nearly 10k uridium in the 3 hours it is on for.

    I have every right to grumble & complain for my loss - & the Forums is the place for me to do that. If you are going to remove threads & posts that are critical towards DO & Bigpoint, then you might as well created a Communism Totalitarian regime for the Forums where no-one is entitled to saying anything against DO & Bigpoint!!

    Imagine me doing Spaceball for the 2 hours it was on for & getting 25 cargo boxes in total. That would amount to 300 gate spins 4,375 urid (assuming a lowly average of 175 urid per box). No ammo, mines or rockets as I am maxed out & not too bothered about the repair creds or jump creds.

    I then do bks at an avearage of 20 per hour for 10 hours (though I would easily do more). That is 25.6k urid & nearly 82 mill creds mill, 51.2k honor, 10.2 mill EP. I also have a trade drone, so would get just over 37 mill creds from cargo & take away about half for buying x1 ammo, rockets & hellstorms - so would effectively gain 100 mill creds.

    Lets says I do a full 24 hours during the compensation period. I would only gain 6.144k honor & 1.22 mill EP extra for a full 24 hour gameplay. That is still 45k honor & nearly 9 mill EP down from the period the 10 hours period above. I have also lost all the urid stated above & the creds.

    I will also add that I have enough creds so not too bothered about them. However, I would make more EP & honor simply by staying in the lowers & kami-ing npcs & more Urid by collecting bonus boxes & with the kami.

    So, tell me what good is the compensation you are giving? Is it actual compensation for what I have lost out on?

    Answer to the above question is a BIG FAT NO!!
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 6, 2014
  2. I replied to your first thread Silver as did a couple of others, and noticed a few minutes later that the thread had disappeared! I'm utterly disgusted at the so-called compensation - and the totally lacking way it was announced (no offence to Juturna as I know it wasn't her fault). Why only put it on the forum which, never mind people's opinion on if they should, not everyone looks at?

    I have had a bit of a wrangle with 'support' over this - they just don't care and their total disregard for players is disgusting. I for one, much as I love this game, am boycotting it for now.

    I simply will not play, let alone put money, into a game where you get treatied like crap by the company running it. This happened to another game I really liked, have never played it since. I was hoping this one would be different - looks like I was wrong. :(
    _-DarkOverLord-_ likes this.
  3. -xghost-

    -xghost- User

    I know, this is not exatly the topic, u speak here, but: What was that "compensation" for? Was there some rollback on some server or what?

    It already happend to me in past (with same ridiculous "compensation") and I was upset the same as u are here. It led to my 2 years off with DO.
    I only wish to know what happened and where. Thx.

    EDIT: sry for stupid question and thx 4 answer. I'm still not used to be on english forum (starting here) and still use my mother language forum more. There were OA one day after I asked.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2014
  4. ramnik

    ramnik User

    The compensation was for people not being able to get onto the game page. in that time SB was on and the few people who didnt relog managed to pop the bases that were in the maps so basically people lost lv 16 mods etc and we only get 5% more ep and honour?
  5. Hypnotik

    Hypnotik User


    Please check the Official Announcements available here OA to see the current update for this issue.

    Thank you!


  6. Just a few bits for base....We understand.....We're still going to complain about the rubbish compensation.
  7. I am aware of your annoucement Hypnotik & made another post under General Issues of Help section called
    However, that does not explain the absolutely rubbish & pathetic compensation package given. It seems that DO & Bigpoint are very thick-headed (no offence intended by the way) & very one-dimensional by thinking that giving the same compensation package for whatever the problem are will solve evrything.

    Things go wrong in the game - which I admit will happen. If glitches/bugs appear & players use them, they get severely punished whether they have been used intentionally or not!!

    However, a major server problem where quite a lot of players could not log in (for a minimum of at least 22 hours I believe & far greater for some) is not a simple issue that resulted in the mean & derisory compensation that was given. I have given an example above of what I could have made & there will be players with better equipment & ammo than me who play a lot longer than me & who could have made a lot more. 2 hours of Spaceball & 10 hours of collecting boxes in battle maps would probably have netted me well over 80k urid & probably over 75k urid & probably at least 800 gate spins.

    I could give examples of what Compensation means in real life & how iti is worked out & justified, but I think that is probably unnecessary.