[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Hello. GB 1 Server I had just bought a new laptop. I don't normally hunt with all them items on the screen (Quest, user_info etc) was kinda a spur of the moment hunt. ^^ Enjoy ^^
    pip.. likes this.

  2. Here is a new one for you :)

    Recorded this morning xD
  3. -[könig]-

    -[könig]- User

    My newest Video

  4. I know it's a noob popping video and all. But, was just testing my recorder the other day since it rarely works. Lol. Hope you like it.
  5. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ User

    you the pyro who made vids on English server if so I learned a lot from watching ur vids mate
  6. Nice Vid, Fancy telling me the stuff you use to record? I woud like to make some nice hunting vids on GB1 ... Thanks :)
  7. Thanks ^^
    I use Fraps for recording, usually do it when on fullscreen mode because it brings down fps to around 50 in window mode.
  8. Fair enough, Does it come with an Editor?
  9. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ User

    fraps is a great way to record things I approve
  10. No, it does not. However, I use Sony Vegas Pro and/or Adobe After Effects to edit my work.
  11. pip..

    pip.. User

    Hey Guysss Its ya boii KSIolajideB.... JUST KIDDING :DDD.
    Anyways guys pip here again with a new video. This time its Baron 1 Nasty VS Clowds The REMATCH!. I spent ages messing about with this specific video. So feedback would be much appreciated.

    Cookie. I persoanlly Use Camtasia Studio 8. Not the best for editing but still high quality so i recomend Vegas pro ( IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT! and as for the recorder. I also recomend FRAPS or the camtasia recorder. If you use EZ vid or Bandicam you get these annoying adverts at the begining. plus max quality is usally 720p.)
  12. THE-KING

    THE-KING User

  13. Enjoy it,like it and subscribe :)

    My editing skills are not perfect, i work on it :)

  14. -[könig]-

    -[könig]- User

    New Video:

  15. Epic vid m8, congrats:)
  16. Here's my new video. Just quick and simple..

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