C.S. Goli Designs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. This idea is awesome , i would like to have this :D
  2. I'm done. Only so much you can talk to children before you must stop before you inquire a ban.

    Your idea is noob. You wont accept any criticism and that's why you fail.
    Blah, LazarusAdam and cooljak96 like this.

    VESPID User

    Wow, the only changes I have seen even mentioned for improvement of this idea is to make it lag proof!!!
    Quite literally the only reason for this idea to not be implemented is that the glitches and lag it causes will force players to leave.
  4. Unsubscribed from this thread. Boys will be boys.

    VESPID User

    That is too bad, assisting suggestions as opposed to opinions and comments might have made this idea a little easier.
  6. Want some Assisting comments? Here we go. Your ideas are dumb and as a result should not be publicized. #2 Helpful comment: Always asking for constructive criticism is ridiculous, because everyone will take flak sometimes, especially on bad ideas.

    To coin a phrase, "To argue with a person(kid) who has lost the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
    Blah and Unstoppable like this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    There is no way to make this idea better, that's why you get opinions and criticism, it's your idea so you should be able to think of ways to change it for the better, it's a bad idea to pretty much everyone.

    VESPID User

    Shall I ask that this idea be glitch, lag and player exodus free???
    I have no problem making that request......lol.
  9. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Hey, at least I could keep my liberator.
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I wanna see the peanut version.
  11. Next-Rise

    Next-Rise User

    Why so much talk about even more designs and ships, it seems like that there are becoming too many for the game to handle.
  12. Blah

    Blah User

    ... u just repeated the same thing twice vespid and if u want it to be lag free, will it? itll still cause lag and have glitches. I do not see why this idea is needed and it'll just take up time for the devs who are working on improving the game and getting new players to join.
  13. Next-Rise

    Next-Rise User

    Agreed, it will ultimately just cause more lag and slow down the fps
  14. There's a bug in the forums that will sometimes double or even triple the post you make. It did it to me, you have to go back and delete the extras.
  15. Sounds like a big moving amount of E.P. and experience for me to kill in the maps. So I am always for more big slow moving targets.:cool:
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    There you go, look at the bright side this idea provides.
  17. Blah

    Blah User

    sorry didn't know that
  18. Lol no one knows it until it happens to them.
    -oversoulpaul- and Unstoppable like this.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Hmmm, I just thought it was a combination of my impatience and the lag I keep experiencing.
  20. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Oh man it would be cool to have a Goli with a leo skin.
    Company colored?
    Can't it just be regular colored and just look bigger to show it is still a Goli?
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