Google Chrome Issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AwsGuy, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. AwsGuy

    AwsGuy User

    Hello Everyone,
    I need to bring this to notice that in Google Chrome, The Buy Button,The Allocate Button and the Edit Profile Buttons do not work.
    I tried allocating my Goli with a Vengi..I didnt work!
    I tried the same in Mozilla Fire Fox! It worked!
    Please do resolve this bug/glitch!

    Good Day!
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Google Chrome is not the best browser for Dark Orbit. Chrome has a program that they added a couple of months ago that makes DO not work as well.
  3. I have been using Chrome and have noticed a decline in performance. Often I take the easy out and blame the game. What are some better browser suggestions?

    I run a Toshiba Lap Top Qosmio, Windows 7 ultimate OS.


    Peace :cool:
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I have found that Firefox works very well. I have heard other people using Opera browser and Iron browser.
  5. I tried the Opera one and didn't like it much. Iron I down loaded a few months ago and completely gapped that I had it lol, Will give that one a whirl tonight. I agree about FireFox, I use it to access the 5-3 map. Chrome is fine in 5-1 and 5-2 but just freezes and stops working in 5-3.

    Peace :cool:
    cooljak96 likes this.
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    SRWare iron seem to be the best currently. Even Opera is having quite a few issues with DO ATM. :(

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for assisting this player with their issue.

    As stated above many players have better luck with Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer verses using the Google Chrome.

    However I would ask if you are using google chrome, have you done the Google fix which is to turn off it built in flash player. This is called a Pepper flash. If you have not this may be an option that could help to resolve your issue as well.

    Hope this helps,
    Have a lovely day!
  8. I performed the fix that ASTRAEA is talking about several months ago. I noticed a huge boost in performance. I'd recommend doing it, if you know how.
  9. Astraea

    Thank you for the refresher. I had done this long ago but had forgotten to re-do it recently. This seems to have helped a great deal once again.

    Thnx :)

    Peace :cool:
  10. AwsGuy

    AwsGuy User

    Hello Astraea!
    I have disabled the pepper flash plugin! :)

    So..Which browser do you think is the best for DO?

    Google chrome is ruled out..
    IE8 Pretty laggy
    Mozilla Ok

    Good Day!
  11. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

  12. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Closing, as this has been resolved. It would be better to discuss your browser choice in Speakers' Corner.

    Issue Resolved
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