IDEA - Skylab Booster

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by G-R-U-M-P-Y, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. Has it been one of those weekends? Is your skylab so depleted that you're down to putting pink rocks on your lasers just to shoot sibs?

    SK-B01 - Skylab Booster

    For 10 hours enjoy a 50% increase in productivity for every unit within your skylab. Replenish your promerium and your seprom and get back out there! Now your level 12 skylab will not be a problem. You can have your sep and fight like a big dog!
  2. After sending all the sep, it does take a while to restore itself...
    Keep up the ideas grumpy~ +1
  3. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi G-R-U-M-P-Y sorry but once again I find myself not agreeing with your suggestion,

    not because it is not a sound Idea, but unfortunately there are far to many accounts that are just set up for the sole purpose of pushing credit or sep.

    Cheats will gain the most out of it, then WW. The main loosers will once again be the average player.
  4. From someone with more Grumpies than I'd care to admit to, the pushing of credits is a possibility but spending 10K uridium for a 10 hour booster to make credits is something I'm willing to risk. Any brain damaged player out there willing to do that - hey - more power to you.

    The reason I brought it up is I watch chat a lot. And I see players saying I'm out of seprom, I'm waiting on prom. This would help get these players back in the game and playing more hours.
  5. I don't think so, my server is very active people rarely say that, even if they do they are full in their skylab but are waiting for it to transfer to their ship. Sorry grumpy...
  6. I agree with this idea but I think they shall not bring it as typ booster. It's better when you can or have a skill where you have a percentual value for the skylab-collectors, raffinery and module.

    It's bad to bring this idea as booster because you have 10 hours of game and when you're sending sep or promerium you will go offline and during the sending you don't loose time. So I think you could bring it as another form like skills or ?.
  7. That is stupid...

    It would be better idea to add some credit and uridium purchase able robots to refineries rather than have new booster for skylab.

    (Like prometium-, endurinm-, and terbium collectors have.)
    ^_The-spartan_^ likes this.
  8. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I agree ^, Instead of having to buy a booster to increase your production rate, just have the robot refineries. Maybe instead of 50 uri per robot, it would be something like 250 or 500 for Sep.
  9. that would work
  10. I'd love some sort of skylab boost because as a premium user(for now) I use up 16k promerium each day and only replenish 4,800 of it every 24 hours(with the sep module going) As a result about every week, I have to turn off my seprom module for two days to allow my promerium to go back to 99k. I often don't play for a few days during the week because I don't like seeing 4k damage coming out of my ship.
  11. THAT was exactly why I posted this in the first place. Thank you. You're not the only player who parks their account and goes off to do other things.
  12. They could also increase the max lvl of the skylab, e.g. to 25.
  13. Whether a booster is needed or not the Skylab does need improving.
    I say level based.
    For example after level 21 you can upgrade the lab to level 21 and so on.
  14. Not bad idea at all :)
  15. After level 21...:confused: Never getting there lol. Yes, it not only needs upgrading, it probably needs better tiering(idk if that's the right word) with the minerals. When your seprom module is running, you're practically making nothing from your promerium module.
  16. Up to level 25 sounds good : )..To everyone that is running out of the lower materials...If you have all your refineries at level 20, nothing runs out ( other than sep : D ) there something I'm missing ?
  17. Promerium sure as heck runs out.
  18. i never have run out of sits at 99 k all day ...all refineries at 20 too.
  19. I farm cubes 10+hours a day and i gotta say my prom runs very low if i dont take a couple days off (which i dont like to do) we need a function that allows us to insta make materials using uri.
  20. Prom. refinery makes 2081 prom. per hour. Sep refinery takes 1890 of that per hour. You get a net result of 191 prom. per hour. When premium, you can send 1k resources per hour. I send my mins every 8 hours with my aegis so three times per day(8 hours while I sleep works perfectly). Sending 24k resources per day means I'm losing approximately 19k promerium not including the extra three hours I can gain with the stupid videos. It also means I make 30mil credits per day just off mins(pet trader) :)