Winter Mission 10 (Hard)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Stuart-, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. -Stuart-

    -Stuart- User

    Whle doing this mission it would not count my Sibelon kills,really annoying.
  2. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    If you already have a Sibelon mission open in your list it may be counting that one first, if you have not got any missions with Sibelon please let us know and we will look into the issue for you.

  3. Actually it doesn't matter if you have a sibs quest already. You just have to make sure that the quest Icon show the winter quest when you killing sibs. It will count on the winter quest not other quest. I figured it out last night :rolleyes:
  4. Actually, there is a glitch that if you have a specific mission up while jumping ports, when you get to the other side it will switch to another quest. You need to reselect the mission you are working on after jumping port (if you have another mission with the same npcs or criteria open). Really annoying glitch.
  5. muf-007

    muf-007 User

    correct, this is a very old glitch (almost since ever) when special missions are running
    the aliens count always first for the regular missions eventhough the special mission
    is open. to solve the problem one must select another mission and then switch to the special mission so that the kill counts for the special mission.
  6. -Stuart-

    -Stuart- User

    I have another up with Sibs.
    as I was killing them had winter showing,counted off other quest that was not showing
  7. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    -Stuart- - Sometimes there are glitches which do not count Event quests properly when there are regular Quests running. You can try some of the solutions offered in the posts above, but you may need to cancel other quests if they continue to interfere. That choice is up to you.

    Do you have further questions?