3 New Company Designs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. So i see there are 3 new company designs, for $$ but we can't buy them yet, but there is a player who has one in our company... What?
  2. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Read on facebook, they will release them today, and they will be uri only.
  3. After they banned me on fb i stopped looking at their page :p

  4. Hello º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º

    Thank you Silviu for assisting with this thread.

    The 3 new ships namely Peacemaker, Sovereign, Vanquisher can be purchased from shop for 1,50,000 uridium and also available under uridium page for real money.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as answered.
    Silviu likes this.
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