Cubikon Leechers

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [=The-Juggernaut=], Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. Hey, I would like DarkOrbit to remove the shared rewards of cubikons. I hate it when noobs come by when me and my friends and clanmates are cubing, the noobs just come 1 by 1 hitting the cubes, if we pop them they came back and back and never stop. We were supposed to get 300 uridium each because only 3 of us were cubing and because of those noobs, we only received 73 uridium. This thread doesn't even belong in this section, it belongs in technical problems and stuff. And there is a system called Group. So please fix this or lose your players and payers.

    So please do so any of the following.There:
    (1) Make the cubes self-rewarding.
    (2) Make the protegits spawn more according to how many attackers and attack them equally.
    So here's my rule.
    (1) Who cares if I'm greedy or not? It's mine.
    I don't mine if they ask permission first, but they don't and just annoy the cuber.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  2. bad idea did'nt liked it just think then how many people will try to steal cubi by shooting the main player and making him run then target the cubi this can and will never happen.
    If you don't like the way it is just don't kill cubes then.
  3. Then why aren't they doing it now? Instead of getting half reward for shooting the cube, why don't they just kill the cuber and get the full reward now?
  4. don't know anything neither want a debate on it but its better like it is today.
  5. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i love this idea - it will "kill" leechers
    and i am sure , if noob ship will start shooting me at cube , i will pop him too and i will get positive honor for that . It will be fairly ...
    Im sure a lot of strong players should agree with that but this idea got small problem . If cubes will be locked , what noobs will do? They will leave the map because nothing for them here, and enemies will not find anything again . Maps are empty , sadly , and this idea can make them leave DO. So no for me , i hate leechers but if they will leave DO for that i will not agree with that

    Blah likes this.
  6. simple stop bin gready
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  7. cubes really do need a huge revamp to make them a group activity again.

    I think ppl that say 'leecher' are just greedy but that's just my opinion
  8. Today's cubes need to hit harder and survive longer and give out equal rewards, this then will allow groups to be larger in numbers, and will give enemy players/hunters more opportunity to choose their targets ?
  9. Cubes were designed as social gathering NPC's, like the Battle Ray.

    Keep the shared rewards system.

    But improve HP and shields on them. Also implement the Prots to shoot multiple targets. 5 prots on 1 player, 5 on another etc, instead of all on one player.
  10. (1) Please learn more english.

    (2) I just don't like Outside-Group hitters, we had to take the damage and noobs like you are getting free rewards and run.

    That's all. Peace >.O

    Didn't knew that... Someone started using that so i used that word xD

    Yeah not bad. Spawn more protegits when more than 1 player attacks but make the protegits attack equally but no to the hp and sp increase. I'll edit the original post.

    Well, to be exact There's only 3 cube thieves in our map. There's no reason they would leave DarkOrbit, even if they do, only lazy-bones would, they can still bk and other stuffs, even if they can't bk, they don't belong in uppers,there are tons of other npcs that they can still kill, the cubikon isn't the only npc in darkorbit, I will pretty much like lazy-bones to leave.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2014
  11. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Yea sure i be too, but i dont like empty enemy maps , be sure this will hit all companies in the game
  12. I would go for this idea. Cubes gave shared rewards because back in the day, we didn't have outfits. The game has been updated, but not the npcs. Yes make the cube like the kristallon. If you want to help me kill it, well thanks. I hate leechers and yes, I'm very greedy. You shoot my cube without asking, I hunt you down.
    Blah likes this.
  13. But this will only make all the leechers(Lazy-bones) leave and other types of thieves. So, just pop them? How are you going to handle if there are alot hitting the cube because the leechers are attacking so other players think, "Oh,Hey look! A free cubikon! Fast Uri and Creds, Let's get em!" Whatever... I won't risk losing honor. We need loyal players, so let the noobers leave. And about 90% of all leechers and thieves hug at port waiting for a victim to almost finish his npc and pop them, so you have less chance to pop them too cause they're mostly hugging ports.

    Yeah, but I don't like losing honor:/ The leechers attract other loyal players..

    Main Post Updated...
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2014
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    finally i agree with you when big group of leechers wanted mine cube
    so , great idea
  15. Just make it so that the cube rewards are proportional to the damage you've done to it.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
    Seraphim likes this.
  16. CURVY

    CURVY User

    that's good, and if you want to do 3 man cubes jsut outfit then the rewards split, problem solved :D

    I also like this idea too hehe :3
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2014
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  17. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Problem solved ;)
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  18. Maybe, but still a little prob, some people want full rewards. Nvm, I accept this.

  19. Simple solution to this... Make some friends from enemy company and help each other to clear the cube leechers whenever needed. :)
  20. This doesn't fix the solution either, I don't work with enemies. And some want to hunt alone.
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