revamp resources and a new weapon

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by steviray, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. steviray

    steviray User

    I will try and keep this short and sweet.

    * Do away with skylab and the current method of resources.
    * Simplify the quantities and allow shipboard refining to Sep.
    - augmented by CBS mining modules and extras/drone slots.
    * instead of stationary resources allow them to be random low HP, HIGH velocity
    comets and asteroids. (If you get hit by one you take damage muhahahaha)
    * a TWO (2) slot rail gun(direct damage)/tractor beam(slow effect X% stack-able)
    weapon designed for mining operations but usable in PVP battles at a
    POINT BLANK range only. Direct Damage WOULD NOT rival damage that a laser
    would do after shield penetration
  2. Wow I'm so confused and irritated but when I see Sci-Fi crap, instant no.
  3. steviray

    steviray User

    alright maybe a little tooo short.

    1) do away with skylab, its megabytes of data that really isnt needed. Allow for shipboard refining all the way to Seprom. Maybe allow for modules/extras that could be installed onboard your ship and/or configured in a clan battle station. These "EXTRAS could be leveled to increase ore production.

    2) Do away with the way that prometium, endurium, and terbium are placed on the map, Once again alot of unnecessary data that noone uses except to do a quest. Allow them to behave as comets and asteroids. straight line, low hit point, high velocity targets that that could be shot at.

    3) a new weapon system designed around mining asteroids and comets for ore. A laser generates too much heat to mine resources so a rail gun would be used to break up the asteroids/comets and a tractor beam to gather the ore.

    In PVP terms this means

    a direct damage "point blank" (lets say half the screen) ranged weapon doing X damage per round with X number of rounds per second. The damage would be calibrated to do about the same damage as a standard laser round after shield penetration. (i.e. an LF3 does 150 damage per shot, shields are gonna absorb as much as say ballpark,100-125 points of that damage with only 20-50 points of damage hitting the hull. Rail direct damage ammo would Max out below these levels.

    the "tractor beam" would produce a slow down effect just like the DCR-250 rockets. Each tractor module would produce a slowing effect of X%. The modules would stack providing a max slowing effect of say half of what the DCR-250 effects are.
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    1. No. That is a HUGE thing for new players to make credits and get items.
    2. I don't understand thing one :/
    3. Why would we need this?
    4. Why would you need a point blank weapon?
  5. steviray

    steviray User

    1. players would not lose skylab production nor would they lose the credit supply that earns, it would be shifted to a shipboard / clan base production system. pricing structure may have to be tweeked.

    2) ok ill do my best to express how i think it would add a fun aspect to the game.

    3) resources are boring, yet they are "supposed" to be central to the game. make them part of the game. make them truly valuable in the game. ooo Another reason for clans to build and maintain bases. Maybe a temporary core module that a single pilot or group can setup and defend, heck lets go way out on a limb and make the bases mobile once they arre constructed. oops :S (maybe i shoulda stopped at mining modules for bases !! LOL) :S an additional benefit is a streamlining of the game, the less computer resources used, the less potential for lag.

    4) to add a lil strategy to the game instead of the who shoots first/ who has the best ammo probabilities in the current game setup.