Astronomical Units Guide

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by sirpwnsalot34, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. 100 AU=1 coordinate unit on your minimap...

    How do I know this?

    If you do the quest "Wanderlust", it tells you how many AUs you've traveled. So I traveled 5 coordinate units away from me and noticed that my AUs increased by 500. I did this multiple time and the results were still the same. 1 coordinate unit equals 100 AU.

    What does this mean?

    I then wondered if Pet range and ship speed were measured with the same AUs. So for the Pet range I bought a level 1 Auto Looter. With a range of 700, my Pet should only be able to pick up boxes that are 7 coordinate units or less away from it if I'm right. Surely enough, when I test it, the Pet can't pick up boxes that are 8 coordinate units away from it but can pick up boxes that are 6 and 7 coordinate units away from me.

    I'm a little uncertain about ship speed being measured with AUs because I was testing it with a stop watch and those could be a little inaccurate. But anyways my vengeance—which flew at a speed of 480 flew a distance of 5 coordinate units in 1 second. So this makes me assume my Vengeance flies at a speed of 480 AUs per second or 4.8 coordinate units per second (it's 5 coordinate units because it probably got rounded up).

    In conclusion...

    Ship speed/100=coordinate units per second.
    Pet range/100=Pet range in coordinate units.

    Edit:Knowing this I think we can now calculate the amount of radar protocols needed to cover the entire 5-3 with a level 3 resource collector. According to Mephistophel, 5-3 has a long side of 418 coordinate units and a short side of 268 coordinate units. Using Pythagoras' Theorem the diagonal side should be about 470 coordinate units. This means in order to cover the entire 5-3 with a Pet while standing in the middle, the Pet range would have to be 23500 AU which is impossible. But with the maximum range a level 3 resource collector is 11688 AU using the circle formula you will be able to cover about 4289533 coordinate units squared of the entire map or about 38% of 5-3.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  2. Cool bit of info! Thanks
  3. the dimensions of the entire 5-3 map is 418/268

    the dimensions of the palladium field is: 203/75

    Bottom Right Corner: 322/255
    Top Right Corner: 322/180
    Bottom Left Corner: 119/255
    Top Left Corner: 119/180

    these are the coordinates I could estimate, maybe +/- 2

    calculating with 12 level 3 radar protocols and level 3 gear comes to 7320 AU (hopefully its calculated correctly)

    sitting at the top(or bottom) of the palladium field, you can almost cover the entire area from top to bottom. you will cover about 72% of the field from side to side.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  4. Working on it...
  5. I think you calculated the range with 12 radar protocols wrong... 3000x(1.12^12)=about 11688 AU
  6. yeah my calculation felt wrong, thank you. I have heard of people saying they only needed 6 radar protocols to cover the whole field which made me think twice about the calculations.
  7. It's alright.
  8. Hello,

    Thank's for the info, I must admit I did not know that 1 co-ordinate on the map was 100 AU. As a Physics student, this was surprising to me (I know its a game). To put this in context, for those who don't know, 1 AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun (Average since it varies). This means 1 AU = just under 1.5x10^8km or 150 million km (150,000,000*1000= 150,000,000,000 metres)

    According to this, 1 co-ordinate is equal to 15 trillion metres. If sirpwnsalot34's calculations are correct, that the speed of a ship is equal to its distance per second in AU, the max speed of a vengeance is (380+100) = 480. 480*1.2 (prom) = 576. 576*1.3 (Afterburner) = 748.8, so lets call it 750. That means, a vengy will fully elite engines, with promerium and using afterburner ability, travels at 750 AU per second (112,500,000,000,000 metres per second, or 112,500,000,000 kilometres per second) which is 375000x times faster than the speed of light (speed divided by C (300,000,000 ms^-1)). Think its safe to say BP didn't think about that while making the game :)

    But lets keep going. The length of 4-4 is about 415 in game co-ordinates, so 41500 AU, or 6.225*10^15 metres (a very very big number :p ). The diagonal distance would be even larger. Using Pythagoras' theorem, the length of the diagonal is equal to the square of the sum to the two individual components (length and width) squared.

    Think about this next time you're flying in your vengy with afterburner active, that you are flying fast enough to fly from the Earth to the Sun and back 375 times per second. Now thats speed. Also next time when you're travelling between portals :)

    Apologies if I made any mathematical errors or theory errors. If anyone points any out, I will edit so the above calculations are as accurate as possible. Also remember figures used are rounded to a sensible degree of accuracy. Using precise figures will result in a slightly different answer.

    Regards, Cam
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
  9. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    Just a couple of corrections (thought I said these when the thread first came out but apparently not)...

    1 AU = 1000 routes
    1 coordinate = 100 routes

    In which case 1 coordinate = 0.1 AU

    Where you have gone wrong is using the figures from the quest description instead of the overview. I know very well that 800 AU is listed in the quest description of the former 'Wanderlust' quest (since I used it as the basis of my calculations first), but the quest required a distance of 800,000 unidentified units (routes).

    Ship speed, PET speed and PET ranges are all measured in routes. So a range of 5000 routes on a PET gear would mean 50 coordinates in diameter.

    Area = π25^2

    I'll leave you to work out the areas out for specific places in the maps ;)

  10. Hello,

    Thank you for the correction, however that still leaves me slightly confused, considering we have conflicting figures here. My calculations are (I think) correct for the figures sirpwnsalot has given, but clearly not for these alternate figures, where you suggest 1 co-ordinate is indeed only 0.1 AU (1000x less than previous figures suggested). If Indeed Bob's corrected figures are the actual value, that would mean my calculations are out by a factor of 1000. If someone can provide more clarity and suggest which of these is correct, then I will leave or adjust my calculations accordingly.

    Are you suggesting sirpwnsalot has the figures for AU and routes confused? Or that BP has, or maybe even they have changed them? I personally do not have the wonderlust quest available to test (I completed it back in 2009), but if anyone does, it would be appreciated if they can note and share their findings.

    Regards, Cam
  11. As cool as this is, DO has got to REALLY be boring you for this to be you activity lol.