Birthday gate newsletter

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mocklaceo444, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Hey guys, just have a question about the newsletter. When the newsletter was supposedly sent out, I had newsletters disabled on accident. Is it still possible to get the e-mail for the birthday gate, or am I just out of luck?
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I suspect you are out of luck, any similar new letters with codes if you was not already subscribed you couldn't get the reward.

    I guess do wants players to subscribe to the new letter rather than logging into the game on the anniversary.
    :rolleyes: :eek:
    *SILENT_FURY*™ likes this.
  3. Fuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's REMOVED! Oh well, Hades was worthless anyways.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  4. what are u for real, if we didnt get the email on the first place we miss the hades gate? is there an administrator to confirm this? how could we have known some notification could have been nice
  5. thats shocking if thats the case there is players been playing for a long time that desurve rewards and your denying them that right
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    >Here< is the link to a related thread on the old forum.
    I've underlined the key words below:-

    Posted by
    " In order to receive the voucher codes you would need to be registered for our newsletter. If you are already registered then you would need to check your spam or trash to see if it's there, if not then you would not receive the newsletter and voucher code for these items this time as you were not registered when it was sent out."
  7. Dont be too sad, its a garbage hades gate, which I don't even want. I am already stuck on a 3rd wave one since DO had it bugged last time they gave it out to everyone, and now I have 2 worthless gates, ide prefer the spins. Its no special gate DO didn't care to give us one, they think hades makes up for it. wonder if they thought about half of DO players not being able to do it.
  8. well dont you think you should at least do something for those who never got it i didnt even know about the newsletter the amount of money i have put on and other players too you would have thought you would at least try to do something for us
  9. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    In my cynical view I guess they thought, if we only give it to players that have signed up to the newsletter, more will subscribe to it. So they can pester you when you give up playing and
    by give players a hard gate to do they will spend money to get good enough to do it.
    Rather than, thank you, to the few players that are still around, here is the best Birthday gate we have give so far. :rolleyes: as if that would cross their mind.:(
  10. Everyone expected a normal b-day gate, yet we didn't get one, many players are upset, and no one gives a damn about that crappy hades gate. isn't even worth doing.
  11. so you have a understanding why we are all annoyed
  12. when you look up gg on wiki it states dec 11th is a bdy gate just waiting on waves bullcrap clearly
  13. Yeah but DO doesn't care about the players, you should learn that. There is no b-day gate this year, DO has ruined their final good event. This game is done. If it cant even do a normal event then they are done. Other games do better then this, BP doesn't care simple as that.

    Good Job DO, you proved how little you care about the players, gave hades to people subscribe, and only a few can actually do it. and I did it the first time to find it worthless. now I have more.
  14. The reason this upsets me is I'm a high paying customer for BP. Would they really deny me something like this simply because I wasn't signed up for the newsletter? That's... so BP.
  15. Yup, shame they can't do one good event anymore, just want money. Half the people who got it can't do it, their plan

    Make them pay to get stronger to do the gate

    That is all DO is after our money, which after the bull hitac lotter, after my prem runs out in January, im no longer putting money on this game. they can go to hell.
    mocklaceo444 likes this.
  16. Hades might be stupid gate but when all ppl have it build in same time its nice , because all can go at once and is really easy x4 and uridium.For instance my clan will do it soon as an event so could be enjoyable too , i hope they can give it to us if not o well it was for free anyway
  17. swarship

    swarship User

    the funny thing about it is most old players we play on multiple servers but you can only use code on 1 server so you use it on global america and you cant use it on great britain Dark orbit was a better game before Bigpoint took it over.
  18. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    You all seem to forget most of the new players cant do Hades, and wont be able to do the gate, its also an outfit gate, so if your not in an outfit, your screwed anyway.
  19. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I didn't consider that, just another example why the newsletter rather than logging in to the game, was about DO rather than the players.
  20. BP has always owned DO however, a company did buy 70% of BP which sent it down hill.
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