TDM Needs Update

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, Apr 27, 2014.

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  1. TDM seriously needs an update. On many servers there is always a company who WON'T participate. Then it leaves the rest of the companies with nothing to do because it only switches back and forth from winner to the next company. It's extremely stupid that you guys set it like that. There should just be

    MMO > EIC
    MMO > VRU

    EIC > MMO
    EIC > VRU

    VRU > EIC
    VRU > MMO

    Those should ALWAYS be the options when going into TDM not

    1st EIC > MMO
    EIC > VRU

    then EIC > VRU
    VRU wins

    Then VRU > MMO? Because MMO won't play.

    EIC > Sitting there for 3 hours.
  2. +1, seems really annoying. Just wondering, what are the rewards for winning tdm?
  3. Well right now during this event if you are in the winning match you get 50k influence points.

    Now if DO still does it, if your company has the most wins, you would say get 5% exp for the whole day the next day.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    We had the same issue too. Just 1 Game of TDM was played because only MMO and EIC wanted to play.
  5. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Raised this issue here. Hopefully some changes will be made.
  6. EIC always loses to VRU either way, we dont have 1mil shields and full speed while still hitting 400k but i still get a kill or 2 and if lucky the "magic" users wont participate at one point.
  7. I was looking that up on youtube and apparently there was a config glitch that allowed you to have all shields, engines and lasers on the same config. Yes, TDM probably needs a rework, but most likely just more involvment. If they would offer proper rewards, more people would be interested. The only pvp event I do is scoremaggedon because I like to get 10k uri. CTB, TDM, SB, forget it.
  8. Yeah true rewards need to be upped. And glitches need to be patched, how can people play these events, or the game at that, if there are glitches and other sorts of things ruining it?
    _-DarkOverLord-_ and TheTaser(V) like this.
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    They put out influence event which should increase activity for that - thats why it giving 50k points , same as sector control
    But it worked just for SC and TDM is still crap ,

    Please update it or remove it , nobody like this event and if somebody yes , he will sit there for 3hrs as dream demon said
  10. Wow, 50k points! I'm so happy for that reward, that's why I haven't even played to get it. Just selling mins today.
  11. Lol rewards do suck, especially like i mention in a tech thread, the scoring system is broke, so i don't even get the full reward. Gotta love only getting 5% of what you did, then realizing that still only adds up to 0.0001% of what you lost.