[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. the thread was made for this stuff, try reading before commenting. He can post the inside scoops but can't say how he got them or how he does things.

    That is pretty cool looking, any idea whether is a $$ design, a "chance" design, or a special uri design? Cause i'll buy the hell out of that sexy beast lol.
    Hauler™ likes this.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Not a clue on that, I'm personally hoping it cheap uri since it seems to have no bonuses. Still wouldn't surprise me if they asked something like £10 for it and gave away a discount code for razer merchandise with it x)
  3. It´s Uridium design.

    Razer Goliath: [​IMG]
    Razer Nostromo: [​IMG]
    Last edited by moderator: May 1, 2014
  4. Omega

    Omega User

    so what will this one do .. the last one I bought .. but not really worth it .. but what about this one ?
  5. i bought the last ones too, but i'm back in my vengie so i don't use them.

    This one better have some sort of ability to it, i hate when they make something cool but make it useless, so what's the point of getting it?
  6. maybe we will know it in the next day´s^^
  7. No boosters only design.
  8. it hasn't come out yet, they still have to do all sorts of things, you can't 100% verify there will be no boost. and no one wants a useless skin, DO knows it, and i hopefully doubt they're dumb enough to put an elite design up for just looks, cause it doesnt get used.
    KłŁŁER likes this.
  9. Sapphire, Jade, Crimson, Amber? I love them and have no boosters...
  10. Those came out (except jade) before the boosts were added to designs, your argument is invalid.
    ~Morph33~ likes this.
  11. You have not specified so, your argument is not valid ^^ .
  12. I have. Those designs came out before DarkOrbit had boosts to ships, so you can't count them as this is now and not 2007
  13. -xghost-

    -xghost- User

    º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º: Do you know the meaning of word design? Its not important that now isnt 2007. Ppl that already have all (UFE) could want it. This collection style is much much better, than chasing for ultra superiority. Or they could just add it some old bonus (5% dmg or something like that).
  14. they camee out in late 09 or even 2010 though please tell me where you got 07 from..
  15. maybe something with hitac event
  16. Yes.
  17. KłŁŁER

    KłŁŁER User

    It's Okapi's video and he said it's fake.
    Okapi32 likes this.
  18. The original saphire and ember didnt come out in 09 noob get your facts straight.
    When it comes to pvp. if you run into someone your build while you use a design with nothing while they use one with something. they have the advantage. use your head noob.
    ~Morph33~ likes this.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah, 100% fake, whoever's channel that is they stole the video from mine.
    It was just a mess around as I was trying out different things and like the B03 I made last year that some people remember ^^
    KłŁŁER likes this.
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