What's the best browser for Darkorbit?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ŊΛŘΛÐΛ, Dec 12, 2013.

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  1. Hello, i have been wondering what is the best browser for playing Darkorbit , could anyone tell me what's the best?
  2. I play on firefox. And I have played on explorer but there I had a lot of laggs.
  3. Juzme

    Juzme User

    I play on Chrome there is no lags. And i have played on explorer to but there i had a huge Lags
  4. I use Firefox and it works fine.
  5. Opera and Google Chrome works great.
  6. I use Chrome and no problems. All of the browsers are equally the same to run this game so it shouldn't have any problems on them.
  7. FireFox works very well for me and 2nd place will be Chrome
  8. βΞŇŇ

    βΞŇŇ User

    chrome if you have a good pc, firefox if not
  9. Yep i run on good PC :p and only use Chrome. Although when i run the game on my laptop on Chrome it lags but on firefox its laggy but a lot better :p
  10. βΞŇŇ

    βΞŇŇ User

    yeah, that's pretty much it. chrome for good pc, firefox/waterfox for not that good.
  11. i have a good pc playing most of the new games on it but when i use chrome to play do it load slow and keep gives lag in fights and in gg and in jumping firefox doesnt give me that lag
  12. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Personally, I play on Firefox. However, I have heard of people playing on Iron browser and they say it works just as good.
  13. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    It can depend on your operating system and PC set up. Different browsers work differently on different system.

    If you are struggling with memory usage then many Find SRWare iron works best currently, so it is worth giving it a try.
  14. I use IE because Chrome is slow on backpage, and lags in game pretty quick, Firefox freeze on backpage a lot, and game page, and instantly has lag, i have the least amount of problems using IE.
  15. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Internet Explorer.... probably the worst browser ever. But I guess if it works for you!
  16. Waterfox.cyberfox ,aurora,torch,firefox and chrome are the fastest ones .
    Cyberfox , waterfox are really good and torch is a mix of firefox and chrome
    Øмєga likes this.
  17. Actually it's one of the best, and most preferred by many professionals who work with computers. I find it to be fast, and much more reliable then the other browsers.
  18. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    I don't know about the speed, but yeah IE is reliable because it is more stable than any other browser.
  19. Speed can all depend on your computer as someone said before. For example, when on the back page of DO, Chrome is a bit laggy and slow-ISH, Firefox, is just slow... freezes up and lags quite a bit, and doesn't switch pages as fast or say load quickly when reconfiging. IE however, does this all exceptionally quick, and i find it to be my fastest browser. i also have inori version :3
  20. Using Google Chrome right now, and saw around 7 fps raise comparing to 2 years of using Firefox
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