Contact List - add location

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Veki, May 5, 2014.

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  1. Veki

    Veki User

    I propose idea to add map location to Contact list for contacts that are on line. Contacts that are off line would have no map location, of course.
    Example :

    I believe it would make it easier for players to find their clan mates and friends and join them (e.g. finding if there are clan mates cubiing or pallying or hunting etc.)
    =Obelix= and ROULOUS___HELLAS like this.
  2. I think It's a decent Idea.

    It has the pro's you mentioned but, I have one Con for you:

    As this allows one contact to find another easily it can also be abused by befriending a player with a Title...
    This is of course for those of us that actually leave a portal when holding a title.

    AND a lot people simply accept any friend request that comes there way.

    Not to infringe upon your Idea but maybe add a setting to turn off location services thus also not allowing users to find you If you do not want to be found.
    -AdamantiumDragon- and ~Morph33~ like this.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Pretty much agree with Cortana here, it's a really nice idea but there would need to be a option for players to turn off their location being shown if they want.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  4. i have friends from war clans in my contact list, and i think this is so good idea. just invate them if you want to know where they are or whisper on chat. maybe add them on skype or TS3 and comunicate there.
    some times i like to play alone and i block invates close all chats. i dont need anyone to know on which map i am.
  5. I don't like this, i get bothered enough when they can see i'm online, i don't want to coming to my map and following me and bothering me more.

    NO 100% no to the idea.
  6. +1 from me
  7. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I like it. I hate seeing that their on but not being able to see where they are. Maybe as Cortana said, there could be an option for certain people (clan members) to see where you are while others (enemy players) can not.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  8. How about a tick box beside the names of those players in the contact list? So you can choose which players can see which map you're on and at the top, there should also be a select all box so all the players in your contact can see you:)
  9. I suppose if we can CHOOSE then i'm fine with it.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  10. Sure, why not.
  11. Dont really see a need to see which map your contact is in, since you can invite them to group and that tab shows where they are.And if they are in a group simply click their name on your contact list, highlight their name in the text bar...ctrl+c copy,ctrl+v paste whisper them in chat box.

    And if you cant copy paste because you have an odball PC..nothing we can do here.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.