noob friendly game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kerfy, May 2, 2014.

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  1. Once again for the record, some cpus are useless. Things like the drone rep cpu, the pet fuel buying cpu, the aiming cpu(remember, we're trying to help someone new here) the generator and laser cpus that automatically put your resources on...ect There's a lot more I don't care to look up right now.
    Do you even game bro? The turtle formation reduces laser and rocket damage by 7.5% while only giving 10% most cases, that's an extra 5-10k shield...woopee. I can now survive an extra 4 hits from a sib.
    I would recommend the arrow formation with the leonov. 20% more rocket damage comes in handy with your starter premium(rockets fire twice as fast) If you ever get the chance, buy the chevron formation. It is definitely the most unused and in my opinion the best npc formation. You gain 50% rocket damage and only lose 20% hp.(which is even less hp than the diamond formation which is what many people recommend) Why use the diamond formation when you can circle the npcs, avoid being hit, avoid having to rep, and kill them faster with chevron? Works like a charm even with the goli as you have no ill effects to damage or shield. I even use the chevron as a pvp formation, but only in my aegis and leonov.
    I will tell you what I did to get fe. Feel free to use any of these elements. Got my liberator, worked on quests and built my skylab for weeks on end. When I got enough credits,(bid didn't give you back the credits then) I bid on a leonov and bought MP-1s and A03s for it. I got into a clan because a clan leader saw me soloing sibs with 800 damage and decided to help me. Eventually with the help of my clan mates(primarily Muddy and Gecko), skylab, and quests, I got 6 LF3s, 6 B02s and 6 G3Ns. I then got an iris and consequently put more elite equipment on it, till I had my 8 iris's and all elite equipment. I did every single x-1 to x-4 quest that there was to complete before buying my first hangar hall and getting a goliath. I then had to get more elite equipment for that until I was fe. 31 LF3s, 16 B02s and 15 G3Ns.
    Time elapsed: 3 months and some odd weeks.
    P.S. What server are you on?
  2. 8 flax is a waste of money, the extra shield power from them won't account for much if a UFE is shooting 80k+. Maybe a couple seconds more, but that's probably not enough time to get to, and through a jump gate.
  3. 1 more BO2 is a waste of money mate ?
    ok whatever you say
    seem then that i was sooo stupid that spended about 5-600.000 uridium in golden bootys for my ZEUS (just 2 more BO2)
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  4. As TheTaser suggested get leo.With the beginner tutorial stage of the game you get enough uri to buy leo and some engines.Diamond reduces hp by 30% and chevron reduces hp by 20%.Chevron is by far the fastest way to kill npc.
    TheTaser(V) likes this.
  5. Im not saying 1 more Bo2 is a waste of money, I'm saying that with 1 more Bo2, against another player shooting 80k+, it won't make much of a difference to survivability. They'll still probably kill you before you can get away.
  6. that is why most new players play wrong the game
    iIF a new player has a venge this +1 flax / bo2 may be a life saver
    the ufe goli need some seconds (indeed) to kill him BEFORE he manage to run away.
    IF this flax/bo2 manage to give hin 2-3 more seconds new player is possible to be saved.
    SO 1 more flax/no2 may be a life saver for a new player who run to get away.
    i say so because i had do this so many times in past and manage to escape with 0 shield & 1000 hp
  7. Can we PLEASE stick to the topic and avoid the personal one on one confrontations.
  8. Just take my advice :D Topic closed :p
  9. You can easily bid on a Leonov for no more then a few million credits tops.