Birthday Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .RΞSЇSŦΞNCΞ., Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Question, did you type in the security code at the bottom along with the voucher code before pressing redeem?

    I am annoyed at getting a hades gate. I find it quite hard to do as a normal fe, and getting groups to do it takes a long time, because no one in my clan could do it...and that's about all the people I know. I loved the birthday gate, the birthday rockets, the free reps...ect. This year stinks.
    hellseeker685 likes this.
  2. i find the same :-/ thats why i wanted birthday gate
  3. Same thing I was wondering.
  4. Railgunner

    Railgunner User

    Well, judging by the Achievements for 2012 and 2013 winter events...I'm thinking they put more focus on rewards and prizes for the quests than a Bday gate. Also, there is no Achievement in the Winter 2013 section for completing a 7th Anniversary Gate(there is no gate). It would probably be best for everyone to try and do all the winter quests and to open all slots on the calendar(hopefully/maybe we'll get a nice reward for doing all of these). Other than that, not much we can do. It is sad though not to see a Bday gate.
  5. Bigben01

    Bigben01 User


    thats last year. --- i am still to weak to play it, but what the REMOVED i am suppost to do with a hades then????? btw i didnt even receive a code for a gate. thanks for nothing BP and happy birthday greedy company!
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 14, 2013
  6. The thing is, I loved the creativity the bday gates brought. Some things never seen out of the gate, such as the passive booster thing last year. It gave us a challenge and helped us forget the boring routines of the winter quests. It let bigpoint show their appreciation towards us, the players, to let us know they will still do things for our enjoyment rather than their profits.

    It just shows you how little they must appreciate the players now. I always thought of it as a good deed, to say thank you. But my views have been changed. I have stuck with dark orbit since 2009, I have seen all the updates and gone from fe to noob after every one of them. But I gave the game another chance because I felt they still appreciated us. Now I fell this is far from the truth
  7. Dudes...

    Simple english answers please.

    Is there a Birthday gate this year ?

    Hades Gate, if I have it, where is it located ?
    and Email promo codes ? whats that about ?

  8. of course..
    1) No
    2) It's on x-1 (home basic) map
    You get the gate from that promo code, some people didn't get this code, if you too, look if you have bulletin activated, and also to spams.
  9. there is no Birthday gate but the free hades gate should be in your emails with a promo code
    cooljak96 likes this.
  10. :D
