JPA cheater

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bugpoint11111, May 12, 2014.

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  1. Thats not me but i found this on youtube so i wanted to share it and you can see on video that at 1:19 he used shield backup like again and again without any cooldown.
  2. Yea...BackUp Sheild can use non stop..
  3. Yeah he was cheater BackUp Shield like that isnt possible to use its a cooldown. They have to do JPA again until a legit winner is choosen..
  4. .KM11.

    .KM11. User

    Ban him please. its a shame that cheaters win again and bigpoint remains quite
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Multiple support teams have already been aware of this glitch and how to do it so I think it is extremely unlikely he will be getting away with it :)
  6. OWWW

    OWWW User

    hey, so why you gave the bug/glitch to interceptor? it's totally unfair for all players , and dont tell me it's not you here one proof and i have my source of people tell me it's you too, it's maybe because you know some admin ppl you know all new and bugs tricks etc... but please dont make legit people waste money ...
    sorry for my english , and i hope next week jpa repeat
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I never gave anything to anyone.
    Why would I give it out then tell support exactly how it is done and how to fix it?
  8. OWWW

    OWWW User

    oh yes he find it alone sorry genius ;) and now he won 10k euros ofc you can tell to support now ... big facepalm
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You do realize by me giving the info to support it means that surely my account would be banned also if I had used it ...
  10. Find it funny tho as Okapi32 aint the only one that can find bugs, plenty of russians or whatever it is are always finding im sure bugs are shared via all the dodgy websites for cheats, don't accuse someone if you aint got proof its them.
  11. I'm going to be honest here. your accusations are getting no where, and that video is not proof it's him.
  12. hmm thers more then 1 cheat on Do it aint to hard to find if ur a lame ass player but they ar ther and ohh yea ppl ar using em... no point telling support hmm is ther a support
  13. We know there are cheats, and support knows it too, but it seems like they are putting absolutely no effort into catching them. Admins should be monitoring the JP at all times too.
  14. You know the answer to that already. People don't talk about the glitch because they can use it. They have underground groups that share bugs.

    Just because people aren't caught doesn't mean they aren't cheaters. Okapi and his 25 invited "friends" know what's up.

    This is a lie. Glitch abusers rarely get banned. For instance, I know tons of people that abused the zeta glitch and weren't banned. Catching people performing these ingame exploits is nearly impossible because DO didn't know these exploits even existed. Only in JPA or extremely obvious situations will they ever be caught.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  15. yeaaaa. i hope they dont pay him, he win with bugs lol
  16. Well considering DO has yet to make an announcement on it all, i assume they do not care. And he gets to be the winner.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    He hasn't got the rewards just yet so we are still yet to see what they will do. I think they will not give him it, if they don't give staged players the rewards then they won''t give him it either.
    However I don't think they will repeat it either, just go a month without having to pay anyone instead.
  18. OWWW

    OWWW User

  19. OWWW

    OWWW User

    [BUG] Tech bug (back up shield and chain impulse)

    Since my clans bug was found out by someone else who used it to win JPA I thought I might as well give it to everyone. I have known this for 5 months, so anyone who tells you they found it is wrong and looking for attention [​IMG]
    Have fun whilst it lasts.

    1. buy either chain impulse or back up shield have it ready on hotkeys
    2. on tech center click on the item you have brought either chain impulse or backup shield so you can be ready to delete it
    3. use it on the game page
    4. on back page while it is running on game page delete it
    5. once deleted quickly buy another chain impulse or back up shield
    6. spam till it runs out or you die in which case if you die you will not have to re-buy to use it again
  20. OWWW

    OWWW User

    OwningPeeps chennel with interceptor coment = no coment
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