Now you've Killed the packet Bots...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by єиfσяcєя, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. Do something about the occasional player with 1.2mil sheild on both configs running full speed and hitting 150k+

    That would be REMOVED lovely!
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 10, 2013
  2. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    Aye I know dat feel, got the same problem on my server. 1 mil shields on both configs, full speed, full damage... rofl.
  3. Is that actually possible Enf? I would ask who it is but thats against the rules! So Is this a hack thats allowing them to do this or are they... Actually there is no way to get 1.2mill and still be hitting UFE battle config rates... Not even with shield boosters and no one has bases on Gb2 so they cant have a base booster... Is this why I keep barely denting people? I agree with this thread! On another note* Are AL's dead too?
  4. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    I haven't seen ALs for some time now, so I think so, but I don't know.
  5. I've seen the odd 1 or 2 but definitely not a lot but i noticed them still here after the packet bots died. Also still waiting to be positive damage hacks are gone. Someone said on the previous forum that DO had a damage cap of 260k per second so really if this is true no one should be hitting above that in one go. Had 2-3 screenshots now of me being hit 300k+ but the nme has already used their Launcher, SMB, Kami and no mines were laid. 300k+ with just lasers and maybe a plt 3030? Confusion in the making. Well I hope they have gone. They destroyed my gaming experience. Any DO video on youtube now make me just see auto lockers and no skill :(
  6. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    Yeah, I don't get these UFEs, they're so OP and still need an ALer? "Like wth mate did you even kill any aliens to get there? Did you even learn how to lock by yourself!?"
    Useless and skillless players is what ALers are. I trained my speedlocking skills by locking NPCs as fast and as good as possible, now I speedlock anything on the first 0.5 seconds and on the first try about 95% of the time.
  7. Yes same in my server 2 people hit like like 150+ rapidly and can pop my Basic UFE ship in just 5 seconds and when i shoot back they have 1million+ sheilds and when i try to run from them they still hit 150+ with sheilds and speed too they catch me easily.. and no one can beat those 2 in server even if 6people try to beat them they can't.
  8. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    It is not supposed to be possible that is the point.;)

  9. It's no hack, as it is a glitch in the system some have figured out how to use it to their advantage. As the OP stated they have full damage, full speed and full shield. I brought it up to support and they asked me how they do it, that's the part i do not know.
  10. Maybe they should allow us to name and shame who do it and then they can monitor those people, their playing style, their ammo, their configs and look for any loop holes related to what they have. Simple method: Look for loop holes in how it calculates your damage, your shields and your speed. Make sure they're is no "out of code" glitches too escape the script and escape the caps.
  11. Yes Agreed

    I have also noticed that some people have become really hard to pop and they can hit huge damage and its just really unfair.
  12. I would agree 100%!
  13. It has to be the way that they takle things and hope it doesnt make the game bad again like the bots did. So they should try and sort it out as fast as they can and this is a great way they can do this!!
  14. Well here is another idea to sort it: Simply type into google Dark orbit glitches or something along those lines... Some noob is bound to have put it on a forum somewhere on the web haha It's how I found out names of botting programs when reporting them :p
  15. The game aint right unless theres no hacks the whole strategy, atmosphere, is lost in the game, it destroyed morale everywhere and only now are people starting to change their minds so i think soon we will see if the game can make or break it, it has potential to be a classic we keep going on but the fight this updated game is meant to provide has never truly existed, and wont until you can stop the hack for good.
  16. Damage hacks surely do exist. I wish I had gotten a screenshot, but while I was in bmaps, a guy came up to me and did 416k damage with his first shot. Needless to say, I popped in two shots...that is just wrong.
    BP should start googling Darkorbit hacks more often and sifting through the 220k results to find their enemies and then formulate a strategy against them. I just hope they don't ban a bunch of people again.
  17. Just an update for you all about that glitch! I may have found out how they are doing it. Yesterday I was in my aegis which has full speed on it. I then warped to my goli and for some reason it glitched and my goli was flying around in a shield config but it was flying like it was all speed gens so it had glitched and continued to apply my aegis speed gens. Maybe what these people are doing is 3 hangars, 3 golis: hangar 1 is all speed, hangar 2 is all lasers, hangar 3 is all shields and they are warping through the 3 causing a triple warp glitch of some kind giving their third ship the abilities of all 3? So now you can report to support so they know where to look roughly as it will be around the warping code :)
  18. For those of you asking about ALs, I believe I've encountered a few people using them recently. I couldn't be wrong, because anything is possible, but the events that took place were highly unlikely.
  19. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    That depends on the event, you have to consider luck as well.
  20. Einstein

    Einstein User

    just look at gb1 its riddled with super skilled players you confront them about the things that they did and they will just laugh at you call you a noob and say contact support.

    what can we do about them ? nothing cant give support vid evidence what they do cause support doesn't take vid evidence so how can we report them ?

    when players can use multiple emps etc without cooldowns their hp and shields don't budge can pop you in 1 volley etc and nothing is done about it nowonder honest players like me feel cheated morole of the game etc is a all time low so something has to be done not later but sooner.

    and if anyone player says hacks/glitches don't exsist 99% of the time they are using and abusing.