pet kamikazi gear

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MuRd3R_InC†™, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. my pet kami will not go off all it dose is shoots i unequipted the gear and re equiped it and it will not go off all my ran dry wile it was flying around
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Is its HP low enough to cause kamikaze to activate / are you taking damage?

    If you kill your pet to get rid of its HP then activate it and put it on kamikaze mode it will be low enough for it to work.
  3. some how it got 12k hp when i dont have pet repair ty
  4. Sometimes it kamis then fails resulting ur pet to have 12khp. Shoot ur pet until it had like 3k hp or so to kami
  5. As it was said you won't be able to use Kamikaze gear if your P.E.T got more than 5% of it's maximum hitpoints. Even if you don't have a P.E.T repairer gear your P.E.T might gain some HP by certain actions which may lead P.E.T Kamikaze gear to stop working. Solution to this problem is just simply to destroy or just hit your P.E.T until his hitpoints are under 5% of its maximum HP.
  6. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    The above answers are correct (Thanks all). If your pet HP is too high Kami will not work.

    Do you have any further questions on this subject or can we close now?
