[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Omega

    Omega User

    yeah already did that ..but I was to lazy to delete this :) thx though:p
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some changes on test2.

    5 new asteroid assets have been added along with a new map background that is background94, however I don't think we have anything to get excited about.

    In another file which has info on all the maps and their IPs the very last map has been changed and renamed. It used to be called "Devolarium Attack" but is now just "Invasion". This change makes me think that they are just improving the graphics in the starter gate you get from completing the tutorial.

    Looks like no interesting updates are coming any time soon. If anyone wants to see the asteroids then just say, although they aren't very impressive.
    Julius-816- likes this.
  3. Yes, the asteroids aren't also important for me. But they've done something to public in darkorbit.
  4. are these "5 new asteroid" like clan base asteroid?

    ps.: sry for my english^^
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It's a perfectly reasonable mistake since both are called asteroids, nothing wrong with your English. These asteroids are just graphics additions in map backgrounds.

    This is what the new ones look like:
  6. what happened last time they put asteroids on the map on 1-2 every told them to take it off lol
  7. :( ok and i hoped there comming new maps... well thank you for the info´s
    Last edited: May 20, 2014
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    test1 has been updated with new hint slides. They have given something away in the new slides :p

    Group finder

    Obviously as we can see it is an extension of the contact feature, you can select your group size (presumed to be limited to a maximum of 8), your aim and which company you want people from.
    If anyone has any ideas with "Min GS" is then please say.

    The "For" application is interesting though, it could mean there will be more Hades-style gates within the next few months.

    3D models
    Now some of these are old, however when looking through the new ones I realized, this Saturn is a 3D rendered model that we haven't seen before, same goes for the Palladium and laser models.
    Cannot confirm if these will be the models used in the 3D mode, but it does look likely!


    The 3D model in the next image is the image used for palladium in the yellow box.
  9. hmm okay thanks for the infomation´s but i dont think that bigpoint made a compled 3D game i think they made an 3D mod for the guy´s with an 3D monidor
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The producer of DO has already confirmed that there will be a 3D mode, it will be nothing to do with 3D monitors, it will be similar to Battlestar Galactica. Although I presume the Z axis of the 3D mode will be removed.
  11. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    So you mean that the 3D Darkorbit we saw on beta like a few years ago will come back and be a definitive Gameplay mode pretty soon?

    Good job Okapi32 Bringing Future features
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know what you mean by 3D beta, could you show me a picture of video of it?
    -Corex- likes this.
  13. I think he meant the beta-UI on the USA West-Server.

    -Corex-; this will never come into this game because the community didn't agree with the design. DO will update a new 3D-mode for ships, ressources, the bases and so on.
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
    -Corex- likes this.
  14. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    I mean the USA West Beta server, where the whole menu was 3D, the ship, everything was different

    I personally didnt liked it as well, i hope they do better now ^^ and as well it is good optimized :)
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    In that case I agree with Julius, it will be nothing to do with that and something completely different entirely. It will be gamepage stuff, not backpage.
    -Corex- likes this.
  16. Omega

    Omega User

    so did u see anything about a on or off button . just so I know .if there is none . I'm out :)
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    DarkwingDang (think of him as the German version of RickDekard) confirmed on the German forums that it will be something you can turn on and off.

    "Wer das nicht möchte, wird weiterhin wie gewohnt in 2D weiterspielen können."

    Which translates to "Those who do not want to use it (the 3D mode) can continue to play in the normal 2D version".

    Also as a side note, it will probably be months away before any signs of the 3D mode actually turn up on the swf or php, even then they might not turn up at all depending on how they 3D mode will be done.
  18. Omega

    Omega User

    ok .all I want is to play this game 2D .:) thx okapi :}
  19. Bet you we will have to pay for 3D mode :p
  20. Actually, I liked the asteroids - gave me fits trying to avoid them while playing :confused: Thank goodness they left eventually.
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