Pally zone in 5-3

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by livingdead94, May 13, 2014.

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  1. I told support about that a long time ago, especially since no one can finish their missions with scrubs doing that, but they clearly have no intention of fixing it.
    Omega and SauronL like this.
  2. The 5-1 5-2 and 5-3 maps or just the palladium area in 5-3 (either or) should be a NON pvp area. So many people do not shoot one another in the 5-x maps as there are more concerns in the area, pirates npcs and the palladium resource . . But there are a few fools who are ruining the fun for everyone else, and it seems that no verbal truce are arranged agreement seems to affect these players who either dont speak english or dont care about others.. . . . So make the 5-x maps a NON pvp area to prevent any misunderstanding between players, yes the game is a pvp game BUT i have to agree that pvp in every map is abused by UFE's and wallet warriors, i am just about fe and i find it difficult sometimes to enjoy the game when so many aim to ruin the fun for others.

    i bet all the culprits who do ruin it for others will disagree with the idea because they are the ones who tend to ruin others enjoyment, BUT one area in the whole system that is a non pvp area should be considered. . . 1 map or area out of 31 maps that is non pvp can not be moaned at, it would make a difference to the people who want to get on and play there own game and it would still leave plenty of places for the others to pvp/ hunt
  3. And you can kill them 5 times off the battleray and that's it, not worth it anymore (pushing) and they come back - lol.
  4. That's why you get a group, they learn soon enough.
  5. Wow 200 ppl in 1 Map lol Do sayes they have 58 mil players so 200 in 1 cant lag ther servers (LOL):p:rolleyes::eek:
  6. Doesn't matter, if 1 server suffers from an update, DO can't do it. Learn how these things work.
  7. Omega

    Omega User

    also most of them are using automated mouse and keyboard , they record using pods and healing abilities and kamikaze and then they just leave the computer .and they do that all the time with 1 laser on them . go kill them and u will see . not many will move
  8. bunn95

    bunn95 User

    Well actually this is first and foremost a PvE game with certain PvP qualities in it, i agree with the idea that the whole map should not be demilitarized, but I think it would be a good idea to have an are in 5-3 that is safe
  9. Um no, get your facts straight. DO is a PvP game, the admins themselves have told noobs this when they cried about dying. its a war between 3 companies, you can war other clans, this game is PVP! god you noobs give me a headache, don't know a god damn thing in this game.
  10. bunn95

    bunn95 User

    Lol thats funny have you looked around DO lately what do you see most people doing attacking aliens right, and if its a PvP game why do you need so called PvP maps
  11. Omega

    Omega User

    this game is a pvp game . not most noobs are considering it a pve game since a lot of players left .there are still major battles on some servers . probably not urs .but they just farm to get ammo so they can fight . the ultimate goal is to fight not to farm
  12. bunn95

    bunn95 User

    That still doesn't explain why you need PvP maps if it is a PvP game and what does everyone have against noobs? all a noob is, is a new player to a game I am proud to say that have had my account for only 714 and i didnt play any for about a year of that time.
  13. Omega

    Omega User

    lol what ? doesn't explain why u need pvp maps ? lol . we don't have anything against a noob . only against players that are lazy and want everything easy . they don't want to work .they don't realize that for the most part they have it easier then most of us had back in the day . sure now u need upgrades lf4 etc but u can get that it just takes longer . and most of them are asking for stuff to be really cheap and easy to get .which would be a kick in the face for everybody else that had to work for them
  14. You are completely missing the whole point of this game. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  15. bunn95

    bunn95 User

    What do you mean?
  16. It's a Player vs Player game. NPCs are used to make in-game currency to get stronger and fight in this PvP game. Players dying is their fault. Try boxing in x-2 maps before wondering off to the other maps to do missions. You get company protection on starter missions and 2 weeks premium. Just because they are too stupid to not read tips and listen to advice they're given. Doesn't mean they should cry and ruin the game for those of us who WORKED for what we have and want to use it the way the game was made.
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
    Omega likes this.
  17. Hey why dont we add Dramatized zone in 4-1 i like to box :Facepalm:
    this is a pvp gamee if u dont like it go play farmville
    Omega likes this.
  18. The crops might be too much for them "make the crops grow in 10 secs!"
  19. :rolleyes: May I interject - haha, I got a thought. If this is a PvP game - why is there a 'battlemap'?. Just a LED moment.
  20. he didnt sound like he was "crying" as you put it sounded more like an idea/ suggestion and yeah the pally maps are laggy, but ive 'Never' that many people in there even at the busyest of times and there are plenty of other maps to hunt in, the only thing i see you saying is "it is a pvp game" that seems to be the only reason for saying you dont like the idea, I personally think it would be refreshing to have a few changes to the staleness.
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