AUCTION not working

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ABC™, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. ABC™

    ABC™ User

    placed bids in auction, 37 million on shields booster, 37 million on damage booster, 9 million on cloak cpu, finish time was 12 noon UK time.

    Now 7 hours later i havent got creds and i havent got boosters, in fact if you look at completed auctions there is a blank between 11am and 18.00

    So when do i get either my creds or my boosters?
  2. good question, ive seen these things happen before and people have not recieved any competent compensation for it, but if other people were affected it might end up getting sorted if they can check the logs properly, support would probably be unlikely to reveal if they log the auctions or not.

    chances are you will have to spend all day cubing while you wait for a reply from support system tickets. If you are not in their special customer package, this can take up to several days, if you are, they will will reply within a working hour.
  3. I gave it my offer hours of my credit did not come. This problem will be solved? Or you wasted my credits gone?
  4. I never heard of this kind of problem, write support and ask them to take a look into it.
  5. Yea, its the same as the old ''i used the buy it now button and i didnt get my rockets''. Once one person gets rockets, everybody wants them, so it just goes down to a glitch.

    I doubt support will ever refund credits and ammo, if anything, they will ask you to clear ur flash chat cache.
  6. And provide proof lol
  7. ABC™

    ABC™ User

    Actually i lost creds the hour before that, but thought it was my memory going, so i took snap shoot of my bids in trade, my log book and balance of creds/uri on urinum page, and sent email to support. Support said they are aware of the situation and are working on it. So im still with out boosters or +83 million in creds - wonder if Do will pay interest on that ??
  8. They won't give you more, just give you back the credits, and if you were to win the bid, then the booster.
  9. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ABC™

    Support has informed us that there were some problems with Auction bids around this time/date on the GB1 and DE1 servers. Affected users should have had the Credits booked back to their account by now. If you are on a different server, or you have further questions on this, please contact Support directly so that they can investigate.
    There is a link in my signature, if needed.

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