[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    Oh yes! i still remember those, actually i loved these haha it gave the map more Dynamic Look :eek:
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Was just thinking, in relation to "Min GS" on the group finder, it could mean Gear Score.

    So for instance, every LF-4 gives a certain amount of points, every drone gives points depending on the type, havoc give points (you get the idea) and when it all adds up it is your "Gear Score". So setting a minimum GS would allow you to decided how well equipped a person is for your outfit's needs.

    This is pure speculation though, will probably get all the real details next week or the week after that :)
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New update - Training Grounds

    To me this is looking to be a 1v1 map / system.

    Right now all the info is just pure text, however it does look promising! Here are some of the text entries that I think are the most important, all of them have been dumped at the end of this post.

    Training Grounds Arena
    • Your victories: %AMOUNT%
    • Battles played: %AMOUNT%
    • Your current Score: %AMOUNT%

    • You can still playing normally. An alert will appear once an opponent is found
    • You can't join the Training Grounds while you are in a Galaxy Gate or and instanced PvP game.

    • You can't attack other players while waiting for your opponent
    • Your opponent cancelled the match
    • Opponent Disconnected %COUNTDOWN%
    • This player can't be attacked now - Is waiting for Training Grounds

    • The usage of Cloak CPUs is not allowed in Training Grounds
    • The usage of Ship Warping is not allowed in Training Grounds
    • You can't use this feature while being in a Galaxy Gate or a PvP event game

    Data dump of all the logs:
    <item name='title_traininggrounds'><![CDATA[Training Grounds Arena]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_victories'><![CDATA[Your victories: %AMOUNT%]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_battles'><![CDATA[Battles played: %AMOUNT%]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_current_score'><![CDATA[Your current Score: %AMOUNT%]]></item>
    <item name='btn_traininggrounds_join_queue'><![CDATA[Match now]]></item>
    <item name='btn_traininggrounds_cancel'><![CDATA[Cancel]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_cannot_join'><![CDATA[You CAN'T JOIN this fight before your finish your current fight]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_looking_for_opponent'><![CDATA[Looking for your opponent]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_looking_for_opponent_desc'><![CDATA[You can still playing normally. An alert will appear once an opponent is found]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_opponent_found'><![CDATA[Opponent Found!]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_opponent_found_ready_desc'><![CDATA[You can JOIN the fight!]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_opponent_found_not_ready_desc'><![CDATA[You CAN'T JOIN this fight before you finish your current fight]]></item>
    <item name='btn_traininggrounds_fight'><![CDATA[Fight]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_waiting_for_opponent_countdown'><![CDATA[%COUNTDOWN%]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_waiting_for_you_countdown'><![CDATA[%COUNTDOWN%]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_waiting_for_opponent_desc'><![CDATA[Waiting for your opponent]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_waiting_for_opponent_fight_desc'><![CDATA[Your opponent is under attack]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_waiting_for_opponent_not_accepted_desc'><![CDATA[Your opponent has not yet accepted the fight]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_cannot_join_fight'><![CDATA[You can't join the Training Grounds while you are in a Galaxy Gate or and instanced PvP game.]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_can_join'><![CDATA[You can JOIN the fight!]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_cannot_attack'><![CDATA[You can't attack other players while waiting for your opponent]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_opponent_cancelled'><![CDATA[Your opponent cancelled the match]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_opponent_disconnected'><![CDATA[Opponent Disconnected %COUNTDOWN%]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_opponent_reconnected'><![CDATA[Opponent connected]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_cannot_be_attacked'><![CDATA[This player can't be attacked now - Is waiting for Training Grounds]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_returning'><![CDATA[You will be returned to map %MAP%]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_usage_forbidden_jumpcpu'><![CDATA[The usage of Cloak CPUs is not allowed in Training Grounds]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_usage_forbidden_shipwarp'><![CDATA[The usage of Ship Warping is not allowed in Training Grounds]]></item>
    <item name='log_msg_traininggrounds_usage_forbidden_feature'><![CDATA[You can't use this feature while being in a Galaxy Gate or a PvP event game]]></item>
    <item name='title_traininggrounds_results'><![CDATA[Training Grounds Arena Results]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_results_your_reward'><![CDATA[Reward]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_results_reward_amount'><![CDATA[Amount]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_results_stats_rounds_won'><![CDATA[Rounds won]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_results_stats_ta_score'><![CDATA[TA Score]]></item>
  4. Well I sure hope its JPA style event for singular server.

    Would definitely be nice :p
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A very small but I think a very important change happened on test1 xml today.

    A new path has been added:
    <location path="graphics/custommaps/" id="graphics_custommaps"/>
    Custom maps ... this could be linked into the training arena, but if it's not, then this has the potential be a huge update. Once again we have very little to go off, expect more information soon though.
    -Corex- likes this.
  6. -Corex-

    -Corex- User



    Looks like a Sibelonit.. instead of a devolarium :p unless im missing something that Sibelonits is the same race as Devo
    Cruenta†Ultionem and Lord_A like this.
  7. lol? I thought it was a teenage mutant ninja turtle when I first saw it.
    -Corex- likes this.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User


    Sibelon-ified x)
    Lord_A and -Corex- like this.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The custom map path posted here has had some entries ... it doesn't appear to be exciting :(
    The entries are in relation to what appears to be a new event for the world cup (or just a re-organisation of the old football events).

    First off there is going to be a new event box, this is not part of the custom map path:


    The next three things are all part of the custom map path:
    • football_4-4
    • football_invasion
    • football_tdm
    ... sounds familiar.

    Football 4-4
    <map id="%MAPID%" name="4-4" scaleFactor="2" music="0">
    <background typeID="2001" pFactor="10" layer="0" hideLensflare="false" scale="2.5"/>
    <background typeID="94" pFactor="10" layer="1" isMain="true" isMinimap="true"/>
    <background typeID="2025" pFactor="8" layer="9" maskID="15" scale="1.6"/>
    <background typeID="2025" pFactor="6" layer="10" maskID="15" scale="1.6"/>
    <planet typeID="23" x="2825" y="150" pFactor="9" layer="2"/>
    <planet typeID="99" x="653" y="1350" pFactor="9" layer="3"/>
    <planet typeID="102" x="2900" y="2500" pFactor="9" layer="2"/>
    Football Invasion
    <map id="%MAPID%" name="Invasion" music="0">
    <background typeID="2001" pFactor="10" layer="0" hideLensflare="false" scale="2.5"/>
    <background typeID="5069" layer="1" pFactor="10" isMain="true"/>
    <background typeID="2027" pFactor="7" layer="3" hideLensflare="false" scale="1.6" maskID="5"/>
    <background typeID="2012" pFactor="6" layer="4" hideLensflare="false" maskID="6"/>
    <background typeID="2025" pFactor="4" layer="5" shiftX="200" shiftY="200" hideLensflare="false" scale="1.6" maskID="7"/>
    Football TDM
    <map id="%MAPID%" name="FOOTBALL-TDM" music="0">
    <starfield color="0x6699BB">true</starfield>
    <background typeID="2001" pFactor="10" layer="0" hideLensflare="false" scale="2.5"/>
    <background typeID="5082" layer="1" pFactor="10" isMain="true"/>
    <background typeID="2027" pFactor="7" layer="3" hideLensflare="false" scale="1.6" maskID="5"/>
    <background typeID="2012" pFactor="6" layer="4" hideLensflare="false" maskID="6"/>
    <background typeID="2025" pFactor="4" layer="5" shiftX="200" shiftY="200" hideLensflare="false" scale="1.6" maskID="7"/>
  10. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    Sucks :( i was expecting like a new gate or something since they released that Devolarium Alien Pic on Facebook :/

    Any new Stuff for Credits found on the codes? :p
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I post anything new I find, apart from things such as spelling corrections that the dev team have made.
    So nope, no other new stuff.

    Also as far as if it is credits or uridium goes, I don't get to know that sort of thing. Just get to know roughly what an update will involve and what it will look like / descriptions.
  12. What the heck is that - looks like a 'funny man' from Serious Sam. This is space shooter - where is the 1st person shooter game of Dark Orbit?
  13. Đєαтн

    Đєαтн User

    On the official Facebook page this was posted:

    "We are currently working on a feature where you will be able to do 1vs1 fights. Anyways, I cannot go into detail yet nor can I give you an exact date for its release."

    Most likely that this is the new Training Grounds feature...
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nice find, good to see we were thinking along the right lines :D
  15. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I can't find that post on the DO FB Page. Do you have a permalink for it?
    ~~Dark~Star~~ likes this.
  16. Đєαтн

    Đєαтн User

    You can find it here.
    Silviu likes this.
  17. Nassim

    Nassim User

    what kind of sibelon is this ? o_O!
  18. lol u cant read lol look on the bottom left its the boss for the dev just some1 has done an edit on the one above to change it to sib :s
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  19. Nassim

    Nassim User

    Okay, Thanks :)
  20. Wow! How awesome Darkorbit 3D system would be; one example, at crazy cubicon event?

    Loging in...
    jumping to x-6 map
    user see cubicon 1 second and then...

    "Adobe Flashplayer stopped working"
    "Google Chrome crashed"
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
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