AFK Pet Pally

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -imbored4170-, Jun 3, 2014.

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  1. Is sitting afk cloaked by the pally field cost effective at all? I see many people do it all the time, but no clue on whether its even worth it. Any help on this would be really helpful.

  2. ramnik

    ramnik User

    well its quicker if you collect yourself and with your pet at same time but if you have something to do or your watching someone else, its probs better to sit there afk and move your ship every 5-10 mins while you pet collects
  3. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    What A sad thread. Is it still worth using a legal bot for many k hrs to get what cheats got free with no effort, or the fool hardy spend many k£/$ getting the same.
  4. ramnik

    ramnik User

    what you on about???
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    What I am on about is AFK is AFK The pet was just an alternative Bot for players that would rather pay for a legitimate bot.
    Using the pet as a bot is what it is.
  6. -Pacman2- I also don't like AFKs and I shoot them down everytime I can, but I'll never say pallying pet is a 'legal bot' or some kind of cheating, it's just a game possibility which everyone can use freely.
  7. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I never said the pet is some kind of cheat, but without question it is a legal bot, especially when use to palli afk.

    How sad this game has become, when players buy a legal bot to palli for thousands of hrs just to get a few gate on their way to getting UFE.:rolleyes:
    Its all good though, as if you ever manage to get UFE then you still have the battle cheats to compete with.:rolleyes:
    Lam-ang likes this.
  8. -Pacman2- Ok, you've never said that pet is some kind of cheat, my foult, I apologize. ;) But I still can't agree with your statement that PET is a legal bot. Of course, it's picking pally (or bb) instead of you, but it's still game item, you pay for using it, you bought it for uri, level it up, buy all mechanisms, protocols, etc. Simply you submitted some effort into it. On the other hand, bot is just external program which damages game, you get it mostly free and use it for cheating. Thats the difference I see between "PET the legal bot" and real bot..
  9. Is it cost effective or not? =)
  10. -imbored4170- More effective is when you picking pally yourself with pet. AFK is only effective in situations which ramnik described.
  11. No, it is not.. You gave to shoot down the pirates to pay for the uri you need for PET fuel, but you get free spins for the GG though.
  12. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Is it effective ?

    It has to be seeing how they killed all other means of making uri (bonus boxes/Cubi/Low Gate and so on)

    Pet now has one use ..palladium collecting
  13. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Kamikaze, combo repair, enemy locator.
  14. Well it IS a bot a RO-bot, or a drone, or a helper, or a whateveryouwanttocallit. That all cheating programs developed are called BOTS doesn´t mean that PET is a bad idea. It is actually a good aid on your journey to get UFE. I don´t pally a lot, maybe 2 or 3 times a week, and maybe 1 or half an hour. The most use I give to my PET is kamikaze, I spend most of my time killing pirates on the 5-X and making missions, and making galaxy gates. I have been here since 2009 and I know you have been here for a while too. I miss the old client as you, but that game mode is not coming back, so we have to move on, and the decision to move on or quit is yours, I have made my decision to stay as a free player, except for premium package for kami. I am not an UFE player but as you can see in this picture I manage to survive and overall to have fun!:


    Then you say that later when you are UFE you have to fight against battle cheats, we have to battle against everything in this game, from the UFE´s to the streuners on alpha gate, everything here and in real life is a battle.

    I know we have the free will to give our opinions and such, but really, if you don´t like it anymore, why bother? why do you waste your time saying I dont like it anymore, I don´t like it anymore and I don´t like it anymore?. I have reasons to believe that you are still In love with the game but you just want it to go back like it was on 2009. You know that they can´t do that, so why bother? Don´t you have better things to do than hating a game that you no longer play? I have several issues regarding this game, like the probability on gate rewards, I don´t agree with that beeing the way that it is, but I still play, with the hope that someday I will achieve my goals, in the meantime, I´m doing with this game what we all are supposed to do, Have Fun!

    Stop Hating.
    Start Playing.
  15. afk = 'a from keybored zzzzzz'. U snooze you lose.
  16. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    A bot is basically anything in game that is controlled by software.

    Apart from the fact that you bought the pet legally rather than using an illegal bot to collect palli with it. Explain how using the pet to collect palli is any different to using an illegal bot to collect palli?
    I refer to fighting battle cheats, as cheats stop fair players from having the ability to compete on a level playing field.

    When the game was at its best, the only difference between a WW and an average players was the amount of time ( well for a premium players < £1 per week). A WW could have double boosters and the best ammo ( with gates ) 24/7 an average player could compete a fraction of that time depending on how much they spent. So skill and tactics was respected.

    After spend many K hrs on a game that I was, all but addicted to, that had a good community spirit and that respected all players from free players to WW. I do point out if failings.

    However I Have never post I don't like it any more, even once. I don't play it any more. I am disappointed that greed killed a once great game, I find it sad that many fool hardy, spend stupid money to feel superior, when they are only buying an unrealistic advantage. I keep hoping that the devs realise that they destroyed a once great game for short term profit, missing the bigger picture.

    You are so wrong here, they can, but are driven by short term profit.

    I don't hate anything I chose to comment on the game how I see it. What would be the point in a deabte if we all put on rose coloured glasses and ignore the truth?

    When the game was at its best I did not even have chat open that often, let alone spend much time in the forum and would only post to help others, point out bugs and glitches or have banter with others.

    Why are you here wasting you time commenting on my post if the game is so great, why are you not spending that time playing it?

    I have better thing to do than play a game that does not respect its average player. That is only interest in short term profit, regardless of how it is / has destroyed a once great game, with a fraction of the customers it once had, because of how it treated its customers.

    However posting an honest view of how I see things, in a game forum that I spend k hrs playing when it was worth playing, al least has a chance or turning the game around.
    If it was not for those of use that chose to express the issue, the game would still be full of bots, would have a much smaller population ( even though it is a fraction of it hight) and with out question it would be in a much worse state than it is.

    I do see some changes for the better, but they are still driven by short term profit rather than the long term potential form a cult following.

    As long as there are enough UWW that spend stupid money in a sad attempt to boost there ego, we will continue to see the status quo.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014

  17. I didn´t say that in red color, you said it.

    What I did say is that I have fun playing the game, that after all the changes that has been made to the game, I still like it, besides the probability issue on the gates and such, and besides the incredible high prices, I still like the game and I will make this clear, Im not a WW, but I have a decent account that has been traveling with me all the way since 2009. All I can say is that I will keep onn playing, they can make any other big changes, and I believe that I will still play, because I don´t do It to win Jackpot, or to be the best of the TOP users, I play it because I like it, and because it is fun. Period.
  18. Yes it is cost effective .. as u can use a little over 20k uri in pet fuel to build a gate... and u earn more than that from the gate .... ex.. build a zeta = 20k uri in pet fuel .. u make near 50k uri from the gate ... 30k uri profit. Then take 20k uri from the 50 you just made and build another one. hope this answers ur question.......... it is def not time effective however as it can take 6+ hours to collect 200 spins.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
  19. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Sorry I miss position the quotes, but the question still stands, if you are having so much fun in the game why are you here comment on my post rather than playing the game? When the game was worth playing I would have been playing the game not in here, fishing out post to comment on.

    you still have not answered this question:-

    Apart from the fact that you bought the pet legally, rather than using an illegal bot, to collect palli.
    Explain how using the pet to collect palli is any different to using an illegal bot to collect palli?

    The pet was a money spinner and is little better than a legal bot.
  20. Right.

    I like the game, that means that I like to post on the forum too, I like to read what is happening to other players that still like this game like me and why not, read players that don´t like it anymore like you, this forum is part of the game, if not, how do we even know about new stuff? or bugs? or whatever that is going on on the game apart from playing it. This forum is the newspaper for the game, so if you are interested on the game you have to read the forum time to time. I usually don´t FISH posts like you say, I tend more to read the first five on speakers corner and official anouncements. Question answered.

    Now, the P.ET., I dont know if you read my post before, I said that I don´t pally much, maybe 3 hours a week, I find the pet more useful with kami, and enemy locator rather than using it for BB or pally.

    I have never used a bot before, and is not in my plans lol, but if the bot that you say, has the same functions than a normal PET, then they are no different, because the bot was created to imitate the PET´s functions right? But the difference maybe would be, that PET was created first, and then the bots came in. So creating a bot imitating PET´s function is what makes bots Illegal besides it is external software.

    This is like if you are a composer, and you write a song, and you sell it to someone and copyright it, and then someone grabs that same song and change a few words on it and says that he wrote it. Sounds the same, but the other guy´s song will always be the copy. Using this intelligence we can then conclude that bots will always be a copy of the original software of Darkorbit, so you can´t compare a bot with the PET, because the PET is the "copyright" version of it.